Well to help keep track of everything on my project and just to show what I'm doing I decided to start a blog with all my build log info and the like in it. I had initially started the thing back when I first got the car and never did anything with it. I decided to revisit the idea so have been working on it a bit today.
Let me know what you think. If you have any suggestion I would love to hear them. It is still very rough and does not have all my info and updates in it yet.
You've appear to have a display problem in Safari --couple of weird boxes up top overlaying things. That's weird because the theme author is a helluva good designer.
You know you can use your Reader Ride as a blog with updates and pix and all that, too.
Hmm I will try looking at it in other browsers so far I have only checked it out in Firefox.
Yeah but I can update this one on the fly from my Blackberry
. I will be updating my readers ride stuff as well.
Next week there should be an addition of a 355 and Saginaw 4spd... 
I haven't tested the RR section much, but you should be able to update it from your blackberry pretty easily via the mobile site: m.grassrootsmotorsports.com.
9/3/09 7:31 p.m.
Looks OK on Safari on my mac...