Records as in the vinyl things that spin around and make music for those or limited age.
I love Ska music and have scores of gigs worth of music. Today the International London Ska Festival released a 7" and I snatched one up because I can't go to it. Today was also Record Store day and I have live bids on Ebay for the 7" releases by 'The Specials' and 'The Beat'. Then I remembered I don't have a player anymore so I picked up a player on Ebay that also converts to MP3. I have a few 'Iron Maiden' LPs somewhere around here too.
I went to a record press in Jamaica when I visited and I may just have to return to go buy some vinyl. They still take it very serious down there. And I know of a few small labels that put out 7" records.
Any of you guys still collect records?
4/21/12 7:14 p.m.
Yep. I've bought four or five in the past few months in addition to my dads extensive collection. At home I have 2 working high end record players.
While I have no ska, I've got about 4500 LPs for sale. I'm still in the arduous task of sorting/grading/pricing, but I've got a pretty good idea of what's here, so let me know if there's anything you need!
Haven't bought anything in a while, but I have a hundred or so. I was really into it a long time ago. Lots of my good stuff got borrowed/lost/stolen. I had a jawbreaker/jawbox split that was worth big money last time I checked. Scored on a collection of all Polvo's 7"s on the bay a few years ago.
I have tons of cool old country, quite a bit of 80's and classic rock, funk, disco, old comedy, some cool jazz - and then the weird/old stuff like crates of Hawaiian, organ, Christmas, Lawrence Welk, Liberace, etc.
I have a collection, about 1/2 of it is stuff I got from my dad, he was going to throw it away. I mean like original pressings of Beatles records, every Cream album, The Who, Led Zeppelin, the Woodstock record. The other half is stuff in that era that I bought at local stores, or new pressings of modern stuff, like the newest DMB album, Kid A by Radiohead, and The Decemberists.
In reply to Twin_Cam: Nice!
I have about six feet worth. Hint: scour the thrift stores. Yes there is a ass-ton of "Sing along with Mitch" but, every once in a while-the mother load shows up.
For perspective, I've only spent about $12.00 in a used record store.
Twin_Cam wrote:
I mean like original pressings of Beatles records, every Cream album, The Who, Led Zeppelin, the Woodstock record.
So is that stuff worth any money and how do I sell it?
Yes, some of that certainly could be. But there were multiple pressings of most popular albums, so the same title may be worth $2-$200 depending on details and condition. Keep in mind also the record price guides are based on "mint" condition - then state right in the preface that "mint" doesn't actually exist, even for unopened/unplayed albums.
If you do look up the value in a book, figure about 50% of listed price is about the most you'll likely get, 25% is far more realistic. The reality is the collectors who've been at it a while often already have copies of the good stuff, while newer/younger collectors often don't have the $$ to buy it, or are more interested in the music its self.
I've been raiding Ebay for ska records and they are dirt cheep for the most part. But I have been put on a two albums a week limit.
I had no clue people wanted this stuff. I thought it was just junk, but I saved it more as a curiosity than anything
We have a record store near here that is really a record store--like 95% of their stock is vinyl. We still have a ton of vinyl at home, but last time I tried to use my turntable it didn't produce any sound. I have a feeling a wire just got unplugged somewhere. I have a bunch of EPs and 12-inch singles from my radio station days that probably need a workout.
Also, yesterday was Record Store Day. We made a late-evening run to Orlando to Park Avenue CDs. (Despite the name they stock a ton of vinyl.)I stuck to CDs, though: vintage Slayer, live Maiden, Sepultura and Ramones. Sepultura's playing now here at the office.
By the way, I know I had this while growing up. I'll check when I get home.

David S. Wallens wrote:
By the way, I know I had this while growing up. I'll check when I get home.
Yep, it's in our record chest.
I have very few vinyl albums - but I do have a copy of Alanis Morrisette's first single. Signed! Apparently it's worth a few bucks.
But generally, I just have the stuff that 13-year-olds buy. I got into CDs in 1987, which saved me from amassing too much vinyl.

4/22/12 11:42 p.m.
poopshovel wrote:
I had a jawbreaker/jawbox split that was worth big money last time I checked.
I have a bit of interesting stuff that I got from a relative. I tried selling a mint Pearl Jam Christmas single (Who Killed Rudolph) on ebay before Christmas, but no luck.
Ditto for a Metallica Creeping Death Music For Nations 12". I'll relist that on ebay sometime soon...
I buy my records at Goodwill.
I only have a blues album I forget the name of and Loverboy - Get Lucky 
Ian F
4/23/12 7:47 a.m.
I have a bunch of vinyl I bought when the record store I worked next to was changing mainly to CD's at $1/LP ($2 for double albums!).
I've also been trying to pick up vinyl releases when I can. I have a couple of Live and Pearl Jam records on vinyl and I recently got the new Iron Maiden live album En Vivo! on vinyl.
While I do have a turntable, it's not very good, but eventually I will have a decent set-up and I figure vinyl is a good listening investment. On a good system, vinyl just seems to sound better.
4/23/12 8:54 a.m.
What ska bands are you listening to? I've moved onto more roots/dub/reggae than ska lately.
Skankin' Pickle was one of my favs. Op Ivy too.
RossD wrote:
What ska bands are you listening to? I've moved onto more roots/dub/reggae than ska lately.
Skankin' Pickle was one of my favs. Op Ivy too.
bands on my phone now are:
Skintz - London dub reggae ska. Check the youtubes. I got hooked on the "Lips of Wine" unplugged
Seeed - German stuff
Beef - only found 2 songs by them
The Capital beat - only have a few songs
Yami Bolo
Go Jimmy Go
Irie Maffia
Hub City Stompers
General Rudie
Metro Stylee
And various ska-jazz bands.
I like the big band instrumentals mostly.
Check this out:
Its introduced me to all kinds of new stuff.
I absolutely love vinyl. My best score has been a original pressing of Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here with original promotional material for $1.
4/23/12 9:51 a.m.
I have Pink floyd "the Wall" with book, when I want to feel depressed I listen to the album and read the book.
I actually just finally got a decent working turntable this weekend & rant it through my studio monitors. Oh man, I was listing to a Gene Kruppa "Drummin' Man" box set & it's amazing how good old vinyl sounds!