STM317 wrote:
curtis73 wrote:
I decided last night to up my search range on to $110k.
This is your primary hurdle right here. $110k shouldn't even begin to stretch your budget. You could probably be pretty comfortable up to $140k based on the numbers you gave earlier. And still have a pile of cash to cover upgrades or the unexpected.
Agreed, but there are some caveats.
Originally (years ago) mom and dad gave me a loan for $60k which has been sitting in an investment account and (along with interest, dividends, and some savings thrown in) it is getting close to $80k now. The plan was to use that to buy a house for cash and start paying mom and dad $300/mo. I know that is a lot of private info, but I just don't care 
So first, its easy to say $140k would be easy, but with slightly higher than average taxes plus insurance, that could easily make a $800/mo payment with %20 down. That's 40% of my income. BUT.... I also owe $300 to mom and dad. $1100 month isn't feasible.
So I could put (lets say) $50k down which would only drop me to $700/mo.
The cash is a double-edged sword. I could combine the cash and loan, but I'm still going to be shelling out a big total. The option is there to just refund the loan amount to mom and dad and rely on bank alone, but interest, yadda yadda.
My point in keeping it cheap is because its how I live. I won't compromise that. Period. I will not be forced to stress over keeping a job, finding a new job, or climbing a ladder in a job I hate just to afford a house. Its just not my way. I'm doing great work for low pay because I choose it. I'm not saying that I'm poo-poo-ing your thoughts, because you are entirely correct. I'm just making a clear statement of my goals and how I choose to operate. And I do realize that is what is causing me headaches. My hope was that reaching out might turn up some ideas that I hadn't thought of. The only house I ever bought was cash bought for $52k all in, and then the ex got a loan and wrote me a check when she divorced me. But life was great, then. I could work fun jobs I loved because all I had to pay was taxes and utilities. If I lost a job, didn't like a job, or wanted to travel or do charity work, I could tell the boss to pound sand for a while. Now that I'm working at a non-profit theater, I am not eager to lose that job ever, but who knows what the future of any non-profit arts group is. I can't plan on tenure, raises, or even having a job tomorrow.
BTW... I did call the bank and have my pre-app ceiling raised to $120k. Not that I'll use that much, but I at least gave myself wiggle room