David S. Wallens wrote:
Nicely put. If there's a PS to that, now the market is on sale. Time to buy.
Well, again, that’s what I’ve always said too. But just to play devil’s advocate for a minute, let’s look at another example. In July ’07 the Dow as at 13,895. Six months later, in Jan ’08 it was at 12,262. Using the logic people like you and I have always used, we would have said “Hey, it’s time to buy! Market is down more than 1,600 points!” So, say we put $10,000 in at that level. One year later, in Jan ’09, that $10k was worth $6,200.
On the other hand, if you were in the market with $10k in July ’07 and watched it fall until Jan ’08, your $10k was worth $8,800. Conventional wisdom would say don’t get out. You haven’t lost it ‘till you sell it. But you got scared and sold it anyway. Not big time market timing. You were six months into watching the market fall.
Okay, so you lost some money. You watched from the sidelines as the market fell to 7,608 by Jan '09. Then you watched as it started back up. You watched for three months as it went up. Finally, in April ’09, you jump back in. You take your $8,800 left from your original $10k and put it in the market. In April ’11, you have $12,927.
What happened if you just sat tight in July ’07? Your $10k rides it out and in April ’11 you have $8,900. In four years you’d have made nothing (like I did) and actually lost a little more than 10%. Look at my scenario – I’m not artificially picking the ideal top and bottom of the market with hind sight. I’m looking months into trends and making only two moves.
I don’t know. Like I say, I’m just playing devil’s advocate. I’ve always been a long term investor and this is the first time I’ve ever jumped out. It may be a mistake. I know the market is up today. But I don’t see any reason to think it should be or anything to indicate that it will be up next week. Not to mention, this is the most volatile week in history. I could make a case that it’s not acting like a smart, long term investment. It’s acting more like a casino game. Years ago, a big day on Wall Street was moving 100 points. With the kind of money I had, you could make or lose a grand or two. This week I’m seeing my balance swing tens of thousands of dollars in a couple of hours.
I’m not saying “everything is different”. I’m just asking, what if everything really is different this time? What if there is a fundamental change? There’s no question we’ve seen things in the last months and significantly, in the last week, that we’ve never seen before. The situation in Europe is a real mess. On top of that, France, a “stable” country, reported zero growth today. I can make a case that the debt and bank situation in Europe will drive things down for a while. I don’t know. Just wondering.