OHSCrifle said:In reply to Driven5 :
good call
anybody have a preferred fiduciary investment advisor "company"?
Hi OHSCrifle,
For well over a decade, Warren Buffett has consistently said that most investors would do best by just putting everything in a S&P 500 Index fund and letting it ride.
I do statistical analysis for a living and I've studied investing strategies since my teen's (I'm 56 now) and I totally agree with him. Even if you have a large portfolio (say five million plus) making the cost of guidance, on a relative bases, trivial, you still have the randomness of getting guidance from one person (thought experiment - how consistent do you think the guidance from three, five, etc. blinded fiduciaries would be???).
Honestly, the basics haven't changed over the last century (I hope I don't sound arrogant but, I'm not going to follow unconventional advice and I already know the conventional advice so what's the point?).
What I am willing to pay for is good legal / tax advice. I don't know what your specific situation is (portfolio size, retirement time horizon, special considerations, etc.) but I'd be seeking good estate planning guidance far, far more than I'd be seeking investment advice.
In terms of investment advice...income average, buy and hold, diversify, don't try to time the market, don't weaponize your investments (i.e. going for bragging rights over steady, predictable gains), aggressively avoid churning, fees, and taxes.
There you go...I self identify as a fiduciary and that's my honest, best advice.