FYI there could be some negative spin coming to Ford this summer which could affect stock value.
We had an ISLAM educator speak to us over the weekend to esplain a little more about what ISLAM does or doesn't really say, mean or require in their religion and how to get along with Islamic people, but that is immaterial to the Ford content, except for the fact that they made us aware of an issue developing this summer.
Ford is the the major supporter of an Islamic festival held in Dearborne, Michigan. Why Dearborne you ask? It has the highest concentration of Muslims in the nation and is home to the largest Mosque in the U.S. Nationwide, Muslims make up only 1-3% of the population but at Dearborne they make up 33%. I didn't know that.
First of all let me say I'm not saying anything wrong about Islam, Chrisitianity or anything, I'm only telling you about a city issue that happens(ed) during the festival.
Since 2009 the city has bowed to Islamic pressures to keep "control" of the Christians to a degree way beyond the standards set for Muslims. A small group of Apologists (people who try to understand both sides and break down barriers between the religions so everyone can get along) went to the festival in 2009 and were harrassed, thrown out of Dodge and received numerous death threats. The harrassing and being thrown out of Dodge was performed by the Security forces. No one knows who sent the death threats.
At this particular event the Imams and the Apologists were sitting down to a cordial debate and the Imams had no issue with the Apologists being there. Security stormed in and hauled the Apologists off while destroying most of the video shot. (a 1st amendment issue)
I've seen the video and everything was cordial and non confrontational up to the point the security arrived.
3 of the Apologists went back in 2010 and were jailed, cameras confiscated and they were told they were no longer welcome in Dearborne - Old west style! The first time everyone took a live and let live attitude thinking it was an isolated event but this time charges have been filed against the security company and the city who allowed it as well as jailing the 3 guys.
Because of the 1st amendment issues and the blacklisting, "We'll arrest you the minute you cross the city limits" many more groups of people will be headed to Dearborne this year which portends some pretty negative publicity.
No one knows who is behind the hard stance of the security forces or the city. And no one blames either the Muslims or the Apologists.
Ford is scheduled to fund the festival again this year and since all hell could break loose Ford stands to get a black eye. This will become a world wide issue sure to show how the poor Muslims are mistreated in the Great Satan. Lots of good brain washing material for the middle east.
So my point is that if you are going to sell, sell before the festival or enough after to let the hurrah die down.