3/26/13 12:09 p.m.
Bobzilla wrote:
yamaha wrote:
I just found out the e21 has amazing high beams......I cannot wait to piss off traffic around Indy @ 1am.....they aren't omg bright, they are OMGWTFBBQ melt your motherberkeleying eyes bright.
Oh, and it doesn't have fog lights.....
I converted the Sierra when I put in the accessory fogs to have a "6-hi" conversion. So when I kick the highs on, the highs, lows and fogs all come on at the same time. It's bright.....really really bright.
werd.....my daily fukus has the fog light mod and I took it a step further and made it the same way for 6hi. Probably explains why my bulbs last a wonderous 6-9 months at best in it. But it offers fantastic lighting.....the e21 just takes that a bit farther though.
DRLs are standard issue in Canada, as well as the requirement to have low beams on when the fogs are on.
Both my Patfinder (03) and Mazda 6 (06) are equipped that way. I'm certain many people are not aware that they turn their fogs off....
A concern here is we are so used to seeing cars with DRLs that we do overlook those without (ie visitors from the US).
When you come up to Canada - please turn even your parking lights on so the crazy locals don't cut you off...
Bobzilla wrote:
mad_machine wrote:
agreed.. driving with fog and headlights on is what needs to stop.
in all my years of driving, I can only think of a few times I needed to use the fogs.. if anything, I use the rear fog more than the front fogs because while I can see fine in the weather, I do not want somebody plowing into the back of me in the rain/fog/snow
I'm sorry, not everyone lives in a well lit metropolis. The more light I can get when driving home to illuminate more of the road, I'll take. High beams only illuminate far down the road, lows don't show the road well.
Try driving down a dark country road late at night and try to see that deer about to jump out in front of you, or the neighbor's dog that got loose, or any other number of things that are in the roadways that you can't see without the most light you can get.
Sorry if that angers you. Some of us NEED more light on our vehicles. More importantly, if you're getting angry over someone using lights, you probably should seek help.
I don't have any objections to using your fog lights when it isn't foggy, but they need to be dimmed (like you would your high beams) when you approach an oncoming car.
I have to say, I've never had a problem with someone's fog lights blinding me. Ever. I HAVE had a problem with people's headlights blinding me. Where one is pointed to the moon and the other to the ground, so you get blinded in the left, and have darkness on the right.
Lowered, short cars and I hate being in front of ANY projector car. the cutoff is usually right at my mirror level.
Chris_V wrote:
ditchdigger wrote:
Also fog lights like those monster motherberkeleyers on Subarus and Mustang GT's are bright as hell with seemingly zero consideration for beam cutoff. Not sure I have ever seen a Mustang GT with the fogs off.
I rarely had my fogs on on my Mustang GT because idiots would assume I had high beams on (even though they have a distinctive and LOW cutoff pattern, yes they do) and flash me. But I'd damn sure have them on at duskin the raon as they lit up the sides of the road much better than the weak ass headlights.
They must've fixed them on the newer Mustang GTs. I run with the fogs on all the time and no one has ever flashed high beams at me. And I also have factory HIDs.
Why are the fogs on all the time? Why, so everyone knows it's a Mustang GT, of course!