2/15/11 12:32 p.m.
OK, this is a strange problem, but I've seen worse here. Our microwave, an Emerson, full size, has started to put out a very strange odor when running. Acrid, like burning plastic mixed with an electrical smell. Quite unpleasant. Still functions well, but a bit scary. Is this a common problem with a simple fix, or should I just bite the bullet and replace it? Thanks, Chuck
Not worth fixing in my opinion. Buy a new High Watt, High Efficiency unit and be happier.
2/15/11 12:52 p.m.
It's 5-6 yo., so probably not worth worrying about.
I lived without a microwave for years. Didn't really miss it, don't really use it much now that I have one again.
If yours is putting out a strange smell, I'd toss it. Get another one if your life is such that you need it, or enjoy your newfound counter space.
2/15/11 1:00 p.m.
If its that old, toss it. Microwaves are disposable these days. My parents had one from their wedding that lasted over 20 years. They've had 2 in the 4-6 years since it was replaced.
Buy a new one but with the top browning option some have. Well worth the slightly more monies
Please use it to microwave a smaller microwave before you toss it. I've always wanted to try that.
I would ditch it asap. Sounds like it's trying to catch on fire.
I've seen a clip on You-Toob where various light bulbs were "nuked" - I would suggest outside & from a safe viewing distance (Let the video equipment watch the action ?)

2/15/11 4:07 p.m.
ansonivan wrote:
Please use it to microwave a smaller microwave before you toss it. I've always wanted to try that.
I think I did that once while inside someone else's microwave.
mtn wrote:
ansonivan wrote:
Please use it to microwave a smaller microwave microwaving a metal cup full of gasoline before you toss it. I've always wanted to try that.
I have always thought of putting gasoline in my coffee maker and running it through to see what happens. I am not sure why this wierd stuff enters my head; it must be a guy thing.
2/15/11 4:22 p.m.
WAY back in the day, I was a supervisor for a food vending company. Microwaves were a new thing. Customers could buy a small can of soup, or spaghetti, and put it in a bowl to warm up. Yup, a few tried the shortcut and went with can in microwave. The destruction was impressive.
Lean over outdoor grill, have someone else light it on high.
Make sure insurance is paid up; google skin graft pain.
Do not toss.
Microwave a bar of soap.
A dozen light bulbs.
Make plasma with an open flame.
As a young adult, one morning I thought I would put a couple eggs in a bowl with some water and have hard boiled eggs. All was going well for a few minutes then BLAM. The explosion was sufficient to unlatch the door. The eggs were no longer whole, and the mess took a little while to clean up. To this day, I can hardly believe I was stupid enough to do it, but I'm pretty sure I might still have been drunk.
I once put one of those plates with the thin gold rim around it in a microwave. Didn't hurt anything but damn what a light show.
Oh, and my kid killed one with a bag of popcorn, the popcorn went to smoking and stunk the house up so bad that I took it outside and set it on the driveway before opening it. Out billowed this grayish yellow smoke, after a few minutes the neighbors were stepping outside and sniffing very suspiciously. The damn microwave wouldn't work after that. I think the smoke got into the touch pad and screwed it up somehow.
triumph5 wrote:
Lean over outdoor grill, have someone else light it on high.
Make sure insurance is paid up; google skin graft pain.
We were at a friend's BBQ when his propane gas grill wouldn't start via little electric starter.
So he turned the knobs on high and was dropping a lit match from the top. The second I realized, I yelled; don't do th..........whoooosh.
He was a hairy dude and burned his arm hair and part of his Geraldo 'stache. If only I had looked over 3 seconds earlier.
alex wrote:
ansonivan wrote:
microwave a smaller microwave
The Peeps at Easter are fun to Microwave.
Not so destructive, but they grow impressively.
i watched a few of the youtube video's that microwave stuff. I guess I am not the only guy thinking about doing crazy stuff. these guys 'wave stuff I would never do........(nuts)