Ian F
New Reader
6/30/08 1:10 p.m.
Tim Baxter wrote:
Her husband isn't soooo much in the shadow. He's a wildly successful producer. In fact, I'd say he pretty much made her career what it is. Prior to hooking up with him, she was just another pretty face who could sing a bit. No shortage of those in Nashville.
Yep... Mutt Lange has been around for quite awhile... He sort of became semi-famous with Def Leppard's Pyromania album back in '83. And I agree she owes her career to him.
aussiesmg said:
MrJoshua wrote: In the same way a normal woman can get more attractive to you the longer you know her, a drop dead gorgeous one can get downright ugly.
This very true, and then add a touch of manic depression and that grass over there starts looking very green..
No. Berkeleying. E36 M3.
It's an odd day when you find yourself looking at a plainer woman and wondering if not-so-hot and SANE ain't so bad after all.
It takes a special sort of headjob to become a platinum selling female artist. Think if you will about the sheer depth of Shania's need for attention, and that it was only satisfied by her current career. Her hubby is rather a name in and of himself, has his own wealth and music career, probably wasn't getting laid, and took a piece from elsewhere. Most likely a more down to earth piece that reminded him of what it's like to have a relationship with a normal, non-superstar, woman.
Amy Whinehouse
Britney Spears
Mariah Carey
Whitney Houston
Jessica Simpson
They are all "singers" of varying success and all of them bat-E36 M3 crazy in some way or another. Most are or were at least mildly attractive, many are not the more you hear of their nutso crap. Honestly, I think they are as much a result of our culture's need to idolize people as they are victims of their own personal problems.
fiat22turbo wrote:
Amy Whinehouse
Britney Spears
Mariah Carey
Whitney Houston
Jessica Simpson
They are all "singers" of varying success and all of them bat-E36 M3 crazy in some way or another. Most are or were at least mildly attractive, many are not the more you hear of their nutso crap. Honestly, I think they are as much a result of our culture's need to idolize people as they are victims of their own personal problems.
Ya know, I never stopped to think about it. There are not nearly as many self destructive male stars (like Kurt Cobain) as there are female.
Jensenman wrote:
fiat22turbo wrote:
Amy Whinehouse
Britney Spears
Mariah Carey
Whitney Houston
Jessica Simpson
They are all "singers" of varying success and all of them bat-E36 M3 crazy in some way or another. Most are or were at least mildly attractive, many are not the more you hear of their nutso crap. Honestly, I think they are as much a result of our culture's need to idolize people as they are victims of their own personal problems.
Ya know, I never stopped to think about it. There are not nearly as many self destructive male stars (like Kurt Cobain) as there are female.
I disagree with Purplehaze however. I never saw any errant behavior that indicated Shania Twain was a headjob or had a need for attention. I'm not a Country fan or Shania fan, but she does have a voice and I never saw her in the tabloids. Then again we don't know what goes on behind closed doors. Hey, I think I'll wrote a song!
Jensenman wrote:
Ya know, I never stopped to think about it. There are not nearly as many self destructive male stars (like Kurt Cobain) as there are female.
Because men tend to vent their destructive behavior outwards, in violent behavior. Women tend to direct their violent behavior inwards.
Look at most rappers. How about pretty much every member of Metallica? Ozzy? Hendrix. Brian Wilson (of the Beach Boys).
Then there are the higher-functioning guys who still dealt with a lot of emotional issues and other crap but managed to still function: Trent Reznor, Tom Waitts, Johnny Cash, etc. I suspect Thom Yorke and Maynard Keenan (lead singers for Radiohead and Tool, respectively) would also make that later list.
7/1/08 2:11 p.m.
I watched Amy Winehouse attempt to sing while reading off of the prompter last night for the Nelson Mandela Birthday Concert. Trainwreck with a side order of statistic waiting to happen very shortly.
I dig her voice though.
I like her voice as well. I find it funny/sad in light of her problems that her biggest hit is about not wanting to go into rehab.
Rappers seem to take great pleasure in shooting each other, but I wonder how much of that is drug related rather than just 'acting out'. I guess there's a big component of both.
I swear I think a lot of the male idiocy from stars etc is more a marketing ploy than anything else. Like Marilyn Manson.
Marilyn Manson is interesting. Have you ever heard him interviewed? He's calm, well spoken, informed, and educated.
His interview with Bill O'Reilly is actually pretty incredible. O'Reilly tries his hardest, and is unable to get a rise out of Manson. O'Reilly isn't sure what to do when Manson actually agrees with him that his music is inappropriate for children.
His interview on Bowling for Columbine was probably the best segment of that movie. He is possibly the most well spoken and informed person in the film. I was taken aback when he was asked "If you could speak with [the boys who did the Columbine shooting], what would you say to them?" and he replied, "I wouldn't say anything. I'd listen to what they had to say. And that's what no one did."
Manson's appearance and stage persona just really upstage everything else about him.
Jensenman wrote:
I swear I think a lot of the male idiocy from stars etc is more a marketing ploy than anything else. Like Marilyn Manson.
Yeah, but that's been the deal forever. Alice Cooper was freaking people out left and right back in the 70s, but really, he just wants to hang out with his family and play golf. I've met him... really nice, soft-spoken guy. Dotes on his kids. He just figured out early on that shocking is profitable.
Also notice that neither of those performers really writes personal music. They don't have personal demons on their backs that their trying to exorcise. They're putting on a show and tapping into a certain anti-establishment sentiment.
(Edit: I am something of a Marilyn Manson fan. For the longest time, I never thought I would be. But then I really started listening to his music. Good E36 M3. One of the few people who can actually pull off cover songs, too.)
gweeb wrote:
Members post videos/photos of large-busted/scantily-clad women & think that's okay...
I'm uuuhhh...gonna need to see some...evidence... of this.
Yeah, Alice Cooper really started the whole 'shock rock' thing. He' a car nut too, so he couldn't be all bad.
And I bought an eight track of 'Billion Dollar Babies' like several million other kids. Marilyn Manson's stage persona is the most transparent I think I've ever seen.
As far as self vs externally destructive behavior and marketing:
Rappers have to have 'street cred' to sell CD's so what better way than to get into a shoot 'em up? Like 50 Cent. Tupac Shakur sells more discs when he's dead than when he was alive because of the whole shooting thing and has a near religious fanatic following.
Then there's Ozzy with the whole bite the bat's head off bit, or 'The Osbournes'. Marketing, plain and simple.
Now compare them to, say, Britney Spears. I'd hate to think the stupid crap she does is all a marketing ploy, like the whole thing with her kids. Or Amy Winehouse, wandering around the streets of London drunk and wearing only jeans and a bra? I kinda don't think her manager put her up to that.
And who exactly was Marilyn Manson married to? That is a perfect example of "no matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is tired of her E36 M3." Although I think she dumped him. Probably because he was tired of her E36 M3.
A pic of Mrs. Manson, if you can find a Work Suitable one, would really help Osterkraut out here.
I'm not sure there are any 100% SFW pics of her.

However, here is a wiki article on Dita Von Teese, who was married to Mr. Manson.
Apparently Manson was carrying on a relationship with another woman. It's entirely likely that he's just as juvenile, and they were both tired of putting up with each others E36 M3.

Strizzo wrote:
How the hell did you do that? The camera icon failed me.
Is this it?

EDIT: obviously not, but funny in its own right. 
"don't forget the http://!"
stumpmj wrote:
I think it's the same reason people climb mountains; because it's there.
I climb mountains but I wouldn't cheat on Shania Twain.
OK, so this guy:
was married to:

and yet he somehow couldn't keep Mr. Happy in his pants. I think he qualifies for Stoopid Guy.
Dr. Hess wrote:
OK, so this guy:
was married to:
and yet he somehow couldn't keep Mr. Happy in his pants. I think he qualifies for Stoopid Guy.
To be fair, where his Mr. Happy went is, apparently, a pretty good looking place.

He was engaged to this once as well:

Not doing too poorly on that front, for a frankly pretty weird guy
New Reader
7/2/08 6:18 a.m.
Interesting thread...so if the partner is a nutjob, it's okay to fool around.
got it.