i've got a steak knife in 2 different tool boxes... i NEVER goto a junkyard without one :)
hope the hand heals quickly though :)
i've got a steak knife in 2 different tool boxes... i NEVER goto a junkyard without one :)
hope the hand heals quickly though :)
I slashed myself bad enough at a junkyard that even the counter and yard crew were visibly grossed out.
I got to drive home with a stick shift truck with a giant Q tip on one hand that was slowly turning red. (Fun!)
Best part was when I drove to the ER. They asked if I had a Tetanus shot. I said no, and when the went to administer it, I got to say one of my favorite Homer Simpson lines:"Oh fiddle-dee-dee. That will require a Tetanus shot." The nurses looked at me like I was a math problem.
I have a nice 20 year-old scar on my left index finger to constantly remind me of being careful with a blade. Usually it works. Usually...
Well 48hours later, I can move most of my thumb in every direction, but the last knuckle out to the tip of my thumb is still quite imobile. Man I hope I didn't screw anything up.
On the subject of passing out: a good friend of mine worked with me in a kitchen, and cut himself pretty good while he was making himself food at the end of a long, late shift. Upon inspecting the wound, he went white as a sheet and fell like a sack of flour - all 220 pounds of E36 M3 talkin' man's man. He will likely never live that down so long as we're friends.
A couple years later he got a (different) finger caught in the reciprocating mechanism of a Sawzall while demo-ing a door frame, and basically ripped the fingertip off. He learned his lesson, though, and immediately sat down, in case he decided to faint again.
I cut my left index finger OFF with a large serrated knife when I was in highschool. The ER doc happened to be a moonlighting hand surgeon an sewed and pinned it back on. It turned black and I thought I would loose it but once I sliced the outer layer of dead skin off it turned a noce pink colour and started to itch! I have 90% felling and 100% motion in it 25+ years later.
porksboy wrote: I cut my left index finger OFF with a large serrated knife when I was in highschool. The ER doc happened to be a moonlighting hand surgeon an sewed and pinned it back on.It turned black and I thought I would loose it but once I sliced the outer layer of dead skin off it turned a noce pink colour and started to itch! I have 90% felling and 100% motion in it 25+ years later.
Wow! That is wicked hard core. Do you have stitch marks like The Kurgan's neck? How far down did you cut it off? Sorry, I'm just amazed!
Lopped it off betweene the knuckles. I dont know who Kurgan is but no I dont have stitch marks, just a line and an odd bump on the side in that area.
My brother in law damn near exploded his left pinky and shattered his left ring finger when he shot himself with a 380 colt, after his honeymoon. I mean right after, like he and my sister hadnt been home 10 minutes when he did this. I tell him he realised what he did by marrying my sister and wanted to kill himself but he is such a lousy shot that well... He still hasnt lived that one down and it has been 25 years. And no my sister didnt shoot him if she had he would be dead, she is a very good shot.
cwh wrote: I have nothing to add to this. Nope, nothing. Move along, nothing to see here.
there's gotta be a story to that. spill it.
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