Tried a Beef Jerky stick at the store.. Didn't read the ingredients. It had walnuts in it.. Who puts walnuts in beef jerky. Time for a trip to the ER for some epi.
My epi pens got lost in the move, I had a script but just didn't get around to filling it. I was lucky, but should have not been so stupid.
Damn, Iggy. RTFL. Read The berkeleying Label. I do, and it's just to not eat meat, not that meat would kill me. And get your epi pen refilled, and a prednisone script and a big bottle of berkeleying benadryl.
2/14/15 9:36 p.m.
Word to the wise, though you may know this- all golf courses are required to carry epi pens onsite, in case you're caught out. I know this for my wife and some bees.
damn.. glad you got yourself some help.
Death by beef jerky is a terrible epitaph. Glad you're OK.
Rob_Mopar wrote:
Death by beef jerky is a terrible epitaph. Glad you're OK.
I disagree, it's an awesome epitaph but not really the way I'd want to check out...
Glad FbC is OK though!
I'm glad I don't need to worry about stuff like this because walnuts and peanuts are delicious.
Dr. Hess wrote:
Damn, Iggy. RTFL. Read The berkeleying Label. I do, and it's just to not eat meat, not that meat would kill me. And get your epi pen refilled, and a prednisone script and a big bottle of berkeleying benadryl.
The reactions were not so bad when I was little. But have gotten much worse. I have an episode once every 4-5 years. I'm usually good but trying to eat on this no sugar, nearly zero carb, no wheat, no fermented stuff diet is a killer.
I was trying to wrangle two kids at the time and was rushing. It happens. I've been carrying epi pens for over ten years. Never used one. They always be misplaced or expired before use.
Edit; also I can't eat dairy. I am working with a nutritionist to eliminate some foods that we think we're continuing to cause me issues and hurt the asthmas.
I worked in the bush with a guy who was allergic to bees. He disturbed a nest and got badly stung including one that went down his pants. His testicles swelled up like a pair of tennis balls. Poor guy couldn't wear his pants.
Needless to say he was always known as beeball after that.
SWMBO developed a peanut allergy in her mid 30's (oops I mean mid 20's) and one thing to worry about is restaurants that only indicate some menu items with peanuts. So far she hasn't had to use an Epipen or go to the ER, but I expect it will happen one day. Scariest thing for me is that she has a phobia about needles, so I'm not sure if she is alone would she wait too long to inject herself (essentially I'm worried she will pass out before she is willing to do it).
We went to Bonefish Grill and ordered an appetizer that came with two dipping sauces and one of them had some sort of peanut (butter, oil, or extract). She had one bite and excused herself to the toilet. After 5 min, I was flagging down the waitress to check on her when she came back out. She told me she had the chest and throat tightness that comes with peanut exposure so we asked the waitress if there was peanut in the appetizer. She went and checked and told us that yes there was peanut in one of the sauces so I raised a big fuss. There were at least 5 items on the menu marked as containing peanuts and this one was not. This could kill people...the fact that they indicated some items but not all was very misleading.
Went on a no heat call earlier in the week. Homeowner also owns a beef jerky specialty store. Got home from the movies last night just as the newest blizzard of 2015 was hitting. Big bag of beef jerky hanging on my porch door. Looks like I'll be hurling snow up onto a 10 foot bank, drinking coffee and snacking on beef jerky today. I can't eat cheese. Even a tiny amount snuck onto a sandwich and I get a terrible migraine. Not quite epi pen stuff, but pizza with no cheese just doesn't cut it. My wife worked at an elementary school. She had to carry an epi pen around her neck on the school ID necklace because of kids with peanut allergies.
So, what are you allergic types doing after the Epi wears off when you have to use one the the pens?
Dr. Hess wrote:
So, what are you allergic types doing after the Epi wears off when you have to use one the the pens?
Instructions are. Use epi pen go to Er or call 911.
Sometimes if I just have a little bit of nuts I can get away with some benedryl and a couple shots on my inhaler. This one happened scary fast. Seems like walnuts are the worst for me. Almonds are not so bad.
When ordering at a restaurant, I demand extra Gluten on my dinner
Well, at least you know what it is that does it. I am allergic to something, but have no idea, and they have done all the tests.
Last fall I grabbed and snack and was working out in the yard when all the sudden the itching started. Within minutes I was red as a beet and itching,dizzy in a bad way. Lucky I had friends close who could take the kids, and haul me up to urgent care. Got the epi shot and hung out awhile. All it well...
No idea what caused it, my first experience with something like that..
It was pretty scary.
My wife has similar reactions to pork. A lot of stuff is made with pork fat. It's a rare allergy so the restaurants don't give any warning about what foods may have been cooked with pork fat. She always asks if whatever food she ordered has bacon on it but I always have to insist that just pulling the bacon off is not good enough. She had a serious reaction that required a trip to the ER over some potato wedges that came out with bacon on them. The server took them back and they just scraped off the pieces and brought it back out. It's very scary when you never know what may have been cooked with pork fats or bacon grease, you just never know.
bentwrench wrote:
When ordering at a restaurant, I demand extra Gluten on my dinner
You can have it. That stuff gives me gas and diarrhea like nothing else.
2/15/15 12:41 p.m.
I have a severe MSG allergy and have to read every label. At restaurants I have to be very careful on what I order because they put seasoning on with no idea what is in it and will say there is no MSG used.
There's a mold that grows in grain dust. It gets me. Really bad. I'm a lot better now than 30 years ago, but it will still get me. I found out what it was when I was on a ship loading, I dunno, 30-40K tons of grain. Well, I thought it was wheat dust then, so when I went on another ship loading soybeans, I thought I was OK. Nope. It was the mold in the dust, not the dust itself. I used to start sneezing riding my bike by a grain silo in the midwest, but I do better now.
Wow. I'm lucky to not have any allergens except penicillin and derivatives. The kiddo has allergies to some pollens but that's about it.
Now, my youngest brother is allergic to bee/wasp stings. Not good, since he lives in Florida. He carries an epi pen with him everywhere he goes.
I have tons of allergies. Luckily all of my food allergies only produce a mild rash and nothing more serious.
My most severe reaction is from cats.
I go from this

To this

In a mild case reactions happen about this fast

If don't remove myself from the area immediately I look like this in short order

And eventually I die

berkeley cats.
I've picked up a slight shellfish allergy as I got older. Didn't always bother me. Grew up on the coast (SoCal) and ate a lot of shellfish when I was young. When I got to about 30yo, shellfish would make me very sick. No swelling or breathing, just sick. Can have a bite or two appetizer but not past that. Shrimp doesn't bother me though.
2/15/15 10:26 p.m.
Fueled by Caffeine wrote:
Dr. Hess wrote:
Damn, Iggy. RTFL. Read The berkeleying Label. I do, and it's just to not eat meat, not that meat would kill me. And get your epi pen refilled, and a prednisone script and a big bottle of berkeleying benadryl.
The reactions were not so bad when I was little. But have gotten much worse. I have an episode once every 4-5 years. I'm usually good but trying to eat on this no sugar, nearly zero carb, no wheat, no fermented stuff diet is a killer.
I was trying to wrangle two kids at the time and was rushing. It happens. I've been carrying epi pens for over ten years. Never used one. They always be misplaced or expired before use.
Edit; also I can't eat dairy. I am working with a nutritionist to eliminate some foods that we think we're continuing to cause me issues and hurt the asthmas.
I'm sure you are, but please make sure that your nutritionist is an RD (Registered Dietitian). Nutritionist means nothing.
Thank you for not carrying an EpiPen. I learned how to do a tracheotomy from an episode of MASH and I am always willing to try new things.
School staff in Ontario are required by law to complete training in administering an EpiPen (not that it is hard). When the law first came out we had a local principal who accidentally gave himself a dose, because he mixed up the trainer pen with a "live" pen.