So.. I got punted this morning. I made a poor career choice and let a manager set me up as a patsy in corporate layoffs. Ohh well...
Wife is 29 months pregnant. ( edit: should be weeks.. but left for comedic value)
Student loans totaling 800 a month are kicking in...
So.. I've made some changes...
Luckily I've got this job offer in my back pocket from a really good company.. Too bad the position doesn't start until june.
Crap, another one
Get a forbearance on the loans. See a doctor about the 29-month pregnant wife. That seems excessive.
And good luck!
I mean weeks.. mind isn't working real well right now.
You know.. I just HAD to get back into the automotive industry after working in nice safe food manufacturing.
Ha.. ohh well..
29 mos??? your babyw will be tying its own shoes when its delivered...
sorry to hear your a pawn of the man, but at least you have a safety net of sorts, my employer just layed off 8k people, 1100 from my site alon, and closed several plants before selling our operation to a 3rd party logistics company...luckily I made the cut. But I did just get a "promotion"...uh ohh, I remember seeing the word patsy somwhere in all the paperwork I signed
anyone know any good sites for professional contract work?
I got like 3 months to fill in.
There were a few technical writing positions listed on Metro Detroit CL on short contract basis, I have a place you can rent short term during the gig.
sorry John.. I'm in Charleston SC but thanks for the offer.. I appreciate it.
Oh I know that... but since Detroit will soon be the hub of all employment (according to Aunt Jenny) you could get your leg into one of the new super sweet $14.00 per hour jobs up here!
BTDT…my wife was 12 weeks pregnant with our first child when I got E36 M3 canned.
Unless the “job offer in your back pocket” has some personal element associated with it, I’d conduct myself as though it didn’t exist for the following reasons:
Unemployment currently stands at 7.4% even thought it’s a lagging indicator and we’re on a downward trend, tends to understate the true level due to some pretty silly assumptions, & is forecasted to increase to around 10% over the course of the year. So, I’d be very reluctant to call anything a sure thing at this point.
There’s no way to determine if the back pocket offer is the best you can get unless you offer yourself up publicly.
The most important job skill is being able to get a job. Don’t forfeit this opportunity to fine tune your marketing & interviewing proficiency. It’ll pay off down the road should you ever find yourself getting hosed on position / compensation as you won’t be intimidated to go spray the world with your resume and find an employer that appreciates you.
RX Reven' wrote:
BTDT…my wife was 12 weeks pregnant with our first child when I got E36 M3 canned.
Unless the “job offer in your back pocket” has some personal element associated with it, I’d conduct myself as though it didn’t exist for the following reasons:
Unemployment currently stands at 7.4% even thought it’s a lagging indicator and we’re on a downward trend, tends to understate the true level due to some pretty silly assumptions, & is forecasted to increase to around 10% over the course of the year. So, I’d be very reluctant to call anything a sure thing at this point.
There’s no way to determine if the back pocket offer is the best you can get unless you offer yourself up publicly.
The most important job skill is being able to get a job. Don’t forfeit this opportunity to fine tune your marketing & interviewing proficiency. It’ll pay off down the road should you ever find yourself getting hosed on position / compensation as you won’t be intimidated to go spray the world with resume and find an employer that appreciates you.
I appreciate the advice. I just recently got a MBA from a good school and I've been using the schools job coach for a while. This job offer I got is pretty stellar and entrance into one of the top firms in the world as a member of their executive training program.
we'll see.
“Oh…then, never mind”

I once got taken golfing by a senior VP of a grocery store chain and I asked him how he got his job. He told me “if you want a job, start doing it”.
If you can allocate the time, I’d suggest you find a way to start making a contribution now as it’d both make a great first impression & reduce your learning curve.
If there are issues to doing this in terms of proprietary information or liability, you could do some post MBA study on subjects that will relate to your role.
RX Reven' wrote:
If there are issues to doing this in terms of proprietary information or liability, you could do some post MBA study on subjects that will relate to your role.
That is an awesome idea. Thanks.
Truly sorry iggy. Hang in there, meng.
thanks boss..
I'm learning to drink from a firehose.
Sorry to hear that, dude. FWIW: I got let go while the wife was preggers too, I know how you feel.
Baxter is right on the money about loan forebearance. Do that QUICK, before things do get rough. The last thing a bank wants now is yet another forecloseure. Work out a minimal payment, interest only, whatever you have to do.
Good luck dude, my door is always open if you need a beer (or three).
I filled out the loan forbearance form right away and am talking to a realtor...
Don't privatly consolidate your loans, whatever you do! They will become ineligible for forebearance! Ask me how I know.
Good luck with the job search. Kind of ironic considering your comments on the Mike Rowe thread. (I've got a dirty job)
ManofFewWords wrote:
Good luck with the job search. Kind of ironic considering your comments on the Mike Rowe thread. (I've got a dirty job)
I was playing devils advocate there.. but.. well played sir.
I sincerely do wish you the best. Having a child (or one on the way) surely changes things up a bit. Being on the frontlines (self employed residential construction) I have been dealing with this darned economy for over a year now. I've trimmed my spending WAY down, and am taking on work that I would have laughed at a few years ago. I think if I didn't have kids I would be living out of an RV down in Mexico somewhere (half joking).
I know someone whos always hiring, tons of job security, hell they can't fire you...and you get full bennys.....Just let the recruiter know I sent you. Seriously though there's tons of jobs in the military, if I had it to do again I wouldn't have joined to be a grunt. I'd do something more technical, like jet aircraft mechanic (helicopters) Just my .02 good luck man.
yeah never know till you go to meps, we NEED people. I've got a busted back, hand, and brain and look where I'm at lol. seriously though if you have college then you have tons more options.