Explosives Camp 
Ever wonder how dynamite works? How about fireworks? At Explosives Camp, you will not only learn how these things work, you will be able to get hands-on experience from experts like Dr. Paul Worsey, lead instructor and co-host of “The Detonators” on the Discovery Channel. You will learn:
How to prime and shoot dynamite
Safety precautions when handling explosives
Where explosives are used
How to learn about explosives at college
What careers are available that are explosive-related
How underground blasts work
How pyrotechnics are used in special effects
How to set up and shoot off a fireworks display
And much more!!
Can you imagine the insurance brokers faces when this camp guy discussed his idea and require coverages?
4/10/09 11:51 a.m.
See, I KNEW I missed out on something during my childhood. I just didn't know what until now.
I still would have preferred space camp or airforce camp. Space ships and jets > dynamite.
Shoot dynamite?
Launch dynamite, yes, but SHOOT DYNAMITE?
Camp counselors... Stumpy, One Eye, and Baldy!
They should combine that with rock and roll fantasy camp so at the end of the week you get to blow up Billy Squier or something.
All we learned about in my summer camps was how to blow up Black Cats, M80s, and Cherry Bombs.
Of course, that was a long time ago.