My house has a sump pump with a battery backup. However, I think the battery is on its last legs because it only lasted an hour before running out of juice during a recent blackout. The battery was made in 2004 and looks like a large gray car or marine battery with stud terminals and wing nuts to attach the sump pump battery leads to. Any suggestions for a replacement?
The deep cycle marine battery I bought for my trolling motor had stud terminals with wing nuts. I got mine from Autozone. Their Duralast brand batteries tend to be pretty decent.
I know for sure Lowes has replacement batteries. Otherwise it's a deep-cycle marine battery.
Get a battery labeled as for marine use. A car battery will work but if you have to use the battery often due to a power failures the constant discharge and recharge will cut the life of that car battery. A marine battery is designed for just these types of opperating conditions.
In my house if I have a power failure and have had a wet period pyror to it I will get water in the basement. I looked at a battery back up but decided that it would not provide enough opperating time. I was once without power for over 24 hours. Only a generator will work for me when that happens.
Another option is a water powered pump. If you live in an area that has water service, not a well, they sell a pump that runs on the water pressure of your water service. These systems claim that they will pump 2 gallons for every 1 gallon you use.
In reply to jimbbski:
I'll have to look into that water-driven sump pump, although blackouts in our area rarely last more than 4 hours. At the very least, the current battery should be replaced. Thanks for the tips.