For those who don't know: If you live in the state of Georgia, you can't go to the grocery store and buy a case of beer on Sunday. You can (depending on the city/county) go to your local sports bar to get hammered while watching the game, then attempt to drive home.
Republicans in the state house and senate have had a scapegoat in Governor Perdue until last November. Perdue said that any bill that crossed his desk regarding allowing Sunday sales would be vetoed. This allowed Republicans to steer clear of the issue, as it was a moot point, all the while keeping their Christian Coalition and Southern Baptist Convention lobbyists happy.
Our new Governor, Nathan Deal (who is not a drinker,) says (I'm paraphrasing,) bring me a bill that allows the voters in individual counties to decide, and I'll sign it.
The bill, which simply allows for individual communities to VOTE on whether or not to have Sunday sales, flies through the House, and looks like it'll do the same in the Senate. But now suddenly, mysteriously, Senate majority leader Chip Rodgers (whom I really don't want to fall out of love with,) says the bill will go to committee, and that there's a good chance it'll never make it to the Senate floor.
Here's where my blood pressure goes through the roof and my eyes start bulging.
Republicans, particularly this year with the (ugh) 'Tea Party Movement' (vomit) talk their big game about individual liberty, small government, putting more control in the hands of the States and local Governments...until the Baptists who fund their campaigns start making threats.
I wish I could get excited about a real change in the Republican party, especially in my state, but it is, as it always has been, funded, extorted, and run by, a bunch of religious zealots who want to force, at gunpoint, everyone to have the same beliefs and practices that they do.
This was a golden opportunity for Republicans to back up all the E36 M3 they've been talking about small government and individual liberty. Instead, many are showing their asses as the worthless piece of E36 M3 prostitute politicians they are by forsaking their platforms to make sure they've taken care of their TRUE number one priority: GET RE-ELECTED.
It's put-up or shut-up time Republican scumbags. Vote for individual and economic liberty, or hell, vote to ban alcohol. While you're at it, why not vote to close every businesses in the state of Georgia on Sunday? That E36 M3's in the 10 commandments, right?
I'm paying special attention to this one, and if you live in the state of Georgia and truly believe in individual and economic liberty, I hope you will too. Contact your state Senator. If you don't know who your state Senator is, click the link and enter your zip code (you'll need the full 9 digits.)
PS: This is why I'll continue to vote Libertarian in state and local elections every chance I get.