I can't believe I only discovered this a couple of weeks ago, but nfl.com has awesome coverage of the Sunday night games. Live video from five different selectable camera feeds, including the NBC feed with complete audio. And the break-time updates are sponsored by Adobe. How cool is that?
This is truly the dream of the internet fulfilled (along with readily available porn).
There's readily available porn on the internet? Well I'll be damned!
Do they have coverage of Thursday night games as well? The Pats-Jets game is going to be on NFL Network this week. I don't get that channel and I'm not paying Comcrap the highway robbery price they want for the sports package.
ArtOfRuin wrote:
Do they have coverage of Thursday night games as well? The Pats-Jets game is going to be on NFL Network this week. I don't get that channel and I'm not paying Comcrap the highway robbery price they want for the sports package.
In the Boston area it will also be on WCVB Ch5. In NY it will be on WPIX Ch11 Go JETS