Ecovative Design, a startup in Green Island, N.Y., is collaborating with the Ford Motor Company (F, Fortune 500) to develop a fungus-based, biodegradable foam for automotive bumpers, side doors and dashboards.
I think most BABE cars are already equipped with this technology.
Article said:
is this the bodywork version of mercedes infamous biodegradable wire insulation?
In reply to JoeyM:
haha its always in the title where the spelling error ends up
Like cars don't rust away fast enough
5/25/11 9:52 p.m.
Check out this video review of the 2011 Elantra, starting at the 2:10 mark:
The reviewer notes that the a-pillars are composites of plastic, fibrous material and volcanic rock. And, the seats are made of re-cycled soy.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Ford buit radiators in Green Island until they stopped using copper.
Worthless bit of information