I'm a bit nervous right now. I have worked out of the same office since I started working for the company.
I don't like the way things are there. They are very old-school which is not a good thing in my industry. I don't like the way we're treated and I have a lot of issues on how they use the policies of the company.
I had to work out of another office (thats much bigger than mine) that is closer to me for about two months earlier in the year. It was like an entirely different company. I liked how they treated me even though I wasn't from their office, they use the policies the way they're supposed to, and they are always there for you which is something my office doesn't do.
A coworker from my office transferred to the bigger office a couple months ago and he has nothing but positive things to say. I went ahead and applied for a transfer. Today the Supervisor that has an open position called and said he was going to get HR moving to set up an interview.
I'm just nervous because its going to be all new bosses. Things are different there and I'm worried it's going to take a while to get adjusted and that's not necessarily a good thing.
A couple benefits to this office is that it's closer to me than my current office (30 min instead of 50) and all the areas I would cover are close to the expressway that dumps right into my town, which to get to my current office takes me way out of the way.
I hope all works out well, it's almost like a new job.