Needed to get some more 2 stroke oil the other day and the store was out of the el-cheapo stuff I normally buy. Rather than run around town to save a dollar fifty, I ponied up for the more expensive synthetic stuff.
Blower started better and smoked less. I didn't smell like an oil fire afterwards either. Who knew? Well probably everyone, but it was a pleasant surprise to me. Guess I'm using this stuff from now on.
It also should leave less residue which will make for easier future starting.
If you'll put a sticker on your machine you'll also gain instant power!!
I had some for the snowmobile that smelled like strawberries. 
akamcfly wrote:
I had some for the snowmobile that smelled like strawberries.
I once had some motion lotion that tasted like strawberries
Synthetic is definitely the way go with a 2 stroke.
As well as 4 stroke.