I should clarify. I don't care one bit about heat. My tiny 800sf house had its biggest gas bill of $64 last winter. $45-50 is more typical. I love fire. Ideally, it would be an open fireplace where I could burn wood. In fact, I am so in love with the idea of having a fireplace, I found a channel on my smart TV of a video fireplace. Between our three family farms, I have never-ending access to all the oak, maple, locust, walnut, ash, hickory, pine, and mulberry I can possibly consume. Just today I loaded the truck with a 6' bed worth of red oak, chestnut oak, and maple, and there are probably 6 more truckloads from the trees we took down. I would be adding a fireplace as an aesthetic thing. As frenchyd said, it's romantic as heck. I have been known to have a fire in our fireplace in the dead of summer in TX just because I wanted a fire. I called it marathon training for the HVAC.
A woodstove is a possibility. I should say a distant possibility. For the most part, woodstoves get loaded with wood, the door gets closed, and they are used for heating. They are large chunks of black cast iron and I'm not a big fan, especially because I won't be using it for its intended purpose; home heating. You can get a glass front stove, but it doesn't take 2 hours before the glass is hopelessly coated with soot. I want to hear the crackles and hisses, see the flames, feel the radiant heat, cook a hot dog or make s'mores. I want to set my dutch oven near the coals with cornbread batter or pork and kraut in it. If it happens to shave $3 off my gas bill, great. If the additional air infiltration from the flue adds $10 to my gas bill, don't care.
The floor under where this fireplace would be has a crawlspace about 12" below subfloor. It would be pretty simple to cut out the floor, build some forms, and pour whatever I need. That way the hearth is sitting on compacted ground with concrete tied into a corner of the foundation.
I can think of a million DIY/tech director/set construction ways to make it happen, but also don't want to wake up dead.
Today's load... and this is just for a couple months of my backyard campfire ring.