For stealing a golf cart plus some.
Brown was booked on charges of operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol (SURPRISE!), driving to endanger (Que: highway to the danger zone) theft and assault, and released on $4,000 bail.
The mug shot FTW:

7/10/12 8:59 a.m.
Looks like he was havin' fun when it went down.
Rowdy Roddy Piper is the Nuge's drummer?
Someone has to live the dream for the rest of us!
He doesn't look too upset, does he?
Now if he was a really rock and roller the golf cart would have ended up in a swimming pool. 
He better make the show later this week, supose to see Ted Nugget!
He made bail and my guess is his court date will be in the very distant future when no one remembers anything that happened.
aging rockers are a strange breed. i feel a combination of pity and jealousy when i think of the lifestyles they lead as they try desperately to hold onto their misspent youth.
i read somewhere else that he was in Dokken in the 80's.
One thing is for sure. The band is staying in the news with this happening now and Ted needing to have a little talk with the secret service.
The Nuge for Prez in 2012!