Jensenman wrote: Whoa. Jesus riding a T Rex. Now THERE is something you don't see every day.
Maybe you need to up your dosage?
Jensenman wrote: Whoa. Jesus riding a T Rex. Now THERE is something you don't see every day.
Maybe you need to up your dosage?
But dinosaurs didn't really exist, god just put those bones in the ground to make the world look older than it really is. Or so the creationist argument goes...
neon4891 wrote: But dinosaurs didn't really exist, god just put those bones in the ground to make the world look older than it really is. Or so the creationist argument goes...
Not quite. The story goes that those were put there to test faith. So this means supreme beings like to play practical jokes... which involve the recipient of said joke frying forever if they take it wrong.
Yep, got it.
Yep, you gotta believe!
This has to be the most hardcore, uber, epic thread ever, anywhere, on teh intrawebs!
Bill Hicks wrote: "Twelve thousand years old. But I actually asked this guy, "OK, dinosaur fossils-- how does that fit into your scheme of life? What's the deal?" He goes: "God put those here to test our faith." "I think God put you here to test my faith, dude. I think I've figured this out." Does that-- That's what this guy said. Does that bother anyone here? The idea that God might be berkeleying with our heads? Anyone have trouble sleeping restfully with that thought in their head? God's running around burying fossils: "Ho ho! We'll see who believes in me now, ha ha! I'm a prankster God. I am killing me, ho ho ho!" You know? You die, you go to St. Peter: "Did you believe in dinosaurs?" "Well, yeah. There were fossils everywhere. (trapdoor opens) Aaaaarhhh!" "You berkeleyin' idiot! Flying lizards? You're a moron. God was berkeleyin' with you!" "It seemed so plausible, aaaaaahh!" "Enjoy the lake of fire, berkeleyer!""
Jensenman wrote:neon4891 wrote: But dinosaurs didn't really exist, god just put those bones in the ground to make the world look older than it really is. Or so the creationist argument goes...Not quite. The story goes that those were put there to test faith. So this means supreme beings like to play practical jokes... which involve the recipient of said joke frying forever if they take it wrong. Yep, got it.
Thanx, I just ignore the fundamentalists, but in terms of religion, I was raised Babtist, went aetheist at 15, and I'm a born again Pagen...and im marrying into a catholic family
neon4891 wrote: Thanx, I just ignore the fundamentalists, but in terms of religion, I was raised Babtist, went aetheist at 15, and I'm a born again Pagen...and im marrying into a catholic family
Irish or Roman?
I've found that Paganism and Catholicism mix surprisingly well. Especially with the Irish. Kinda helps that with all the saints, they never bothered to change the names from the old regional gods that they were assimilating.
both her parents are 1/2 Irish, mom is 1/2 german, dad almost 1/2 Italian plus a little bit of Chek. We set the date for may 2010, but we might move it up to St. patties day '10.
neon4891 wrote: Thanx, I was raised Babtist, went aetheist (THEN) Pagen...and im marrying into a catholic familyPersonally, I think you need to stick with the religions you can spell ;) ^^^The previous message was a joke, please do not feel offended unless you want to make me giggle and proceed to throw the intarwe&& back at you.^^^
John Brown wrote:neon4891 wrote: Thanx, I was raised Babtist, went aetheist (THEN) Pagen...and im marrying into a catholic familyPersonally, I think you need to stick with the religions you can spell ;) ^^^The previous message was a joke, please do not feel offended unless you want to make me giggle and proceed to throw the intarwe&& back at you.^^^
no, i can take a joke, besides is a leson we all need to remember
John Brown wrote:neon4891 wrote: Thanx, I was raised Babtist, went aetheist (THEN) Pagen...and im marrying into a catholic familyPersonally, I think you need to stick with the religions you can spell ;) ^^^The previous message was a joke, please do not feel offended unless you want to make me giggle and proceed to throw the intarwe&& back at you.^^^
Now the spelling NAZI's are here
ignorant wrote: Jesus + Dinosaurs + AR15's + Church nuts + CHUCK NORRIS = Epic thread... I am spent
Now with a Nazi reference it's complete
I am more like the spelling Stalin.
More ego but nice enough to hand over the keys to the country when the real powers show up.
Besides I just suggested a religion based on his abilities, I never corrected the spelling.
poopshovel wrote: I love you more today than yesterday.
Now I am gonna double lock the trailers at CMP.
Jesus on a dinosaur, Nazis, Stalin, Chuck Norris, man/man love, religious progression (or regression if you prefer) and now Mr. Hankey. Epic thread, say I!
ignorant wrote: nazi's and Stalin!!!!! Could this thread get any better?
I'm still waiting on the hot christian teens with firearms action I was promised.
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