In reply to Curtis : It’s hard to get back in the dating pool if you’ve been out of it for a while. Car/ motorcycle travel tends to be pretty lonesome.
When you travel as a single travel smart! Cruises are a target rich environment. Ladies tend to go on cruises. A little foresight will Increase dramatically your chance to be with a lot of single ladies. Look for/Ask for teachers, Liberians, and nurse conventions/ tour groups. Singles groups? There will be plenty of single men competing but nobody will be evasive. A little too desperate for my tastes.
Trains also are target rich. Unlike airplanes where you are pretty much stuck with whoever is assigned the seat next to you. On a train wandering around and meeting new people is normal. The pace is slower and a nice tip to the conductor along with a request to seat you next to single ladies in the dining car will yield some interesting meetings. .
The countless internet dating sites are a pure numbers game. I’d look/ read 100 profiles for every one I’d respond to. Maybe one out of ten responds back. Of those 7 out of 10 are looking for a BBD Bigger, better, Deal. 2 are just desperate. and if you are lucky one will strike up a nice chat with you.. In the end I stopped looking at pictures and started reading the profiles/ descriptions.
Make sure your profile gets a response. Have a professional portrait taken preferably in a suit or Tux. No selfies, especially nothing showing a bare chest etc. It doesn’t matter how fit or good looking you think you are. Women will be turned off and scan right past them.
In your profile make it read like a lost puppy, romantic as heck. Keep it honest but not critical. Single reads better than divorced but tells the same thing. Get a female friend to review it. Men are from mars——- we just don’t think like them.
When you list what you are looking for the first thing must be a recognition that every woman knows her flaws. None of them think they are beautiful or sexy or have a great figure. Even when they do or are.
If by chance they do think that, run away!!! Man eater alert.
No one wants to admit they are lonely and maybe a little desperate. But here they are along with you on the internet.
They all like/want long romantic walks, a crackling fire, romance novel stuff. They blather about sports, fishing, even hunting while secretly wanting family gatherings and maybe dancing.
Men just want sex and will put up with some of the rest of it for that. But you can’t say that. Men are from mars blah blah blah!
Dont tell them your profession or education etc. Paint a picture of things you might think they’d like to do with you. Don’t say I like to drive cars in empty parking lots as fast as I can with other guys.
Talk about the beautiful Kettle Moraine country around Elkhart Lake and how the antiquing is fun along with the quaint old country inns like Sebikins. How easy it is to meet the movie stars and celebrities since they share your interests. ( notice not a word was a lie but cars were never mentioned )
Look you’ve got at best 15-20 words to capture their attention and get a response don’t blow em.
My late wife started me on the internet before she passed and afterwards I had my daughter help me for the first year. On my own I would have made a mess. Men are from Mars.