5/31/09 12:35 a.m.
Saw the new Terminator movie. I thought it was... okay. Worth seeing in the theater once, but probably not at full price.
Lots of action and explosions. Apparently the resistance has a bunch of very attractive women with long flowing hair, perfect makeup, and no bras.
The biggest thing that got me is how STUPID everyone and everything is. The resistance and Skynet both did completely boneheaded things over and over that I kept asking "Why the hell are they doing that?!?" "Why don't they just do this other thing?" "Could they really have set things up that stupidly?"
The biggest bonehead thing was done by Skynet, and I won't post a spoiler, but I'll use an anology. If the war between Skynet and the resistance were a game of chess: Skynet manages to get the resistance in Checkmate about 1/3 of the way through the film, but refuses to strike because it would plans to use the checkmated king to draw out the resistance's queen and eliminate it.
And the whole "What makes us really human?" and "What makes us worthy of survival?" themes are really played out now, and have been done much better and much less ham-handedly than this movie did them.
Stopped reading at "no bras."
Osterkraut wrote:
Stopped reading at "no bras."
yeah I'm pretty much sold now
Yea, all Salanis said and the fact that there is a total lack of humor in the movie. T2 rocked because of the funny parts, plain and simple. T3 didn't have much and this has even less. It also has some really big moments that you have to say-well that couldn't/wouldn't happen in real life. In the end the suspension of disbelief was just to much for me. Worth watching on cable TV but I wouldn't pay to see it again.
5/31/09 10:23 a.m.
On another topic, I saw Quantum of Solace and thought that everything in it was completely believable...except when they fall about 30' thru a glass rooftop.
Quantum was a very good movie even though a few people i've talked to didn't really care for it. I'm a pretty big bond fan and it got my approval and i'm glad they wrapped up some of the loose ends and backstory. The car chase in the beginning of the movie was purely badass. A couple of the stunt guys actually got seriously injured when they were filming that in Italy..
It was like a bunch of special effects strung together with little plot. After a while even the endless explosions get to be boring. This should have gone directly to DVD.
I saw this one right after Star Trek and expected more. I hope the new Transformers movie is better than this.
I thought the trailers were just amazing. Then I realized I saw the whole movie though the trailers. Could have saved myself the $7. Definitely "a wait till DVD movie".
Transformers, don't disappoint me! The list of Sci Fi movies is getting smaller.
Oh yea, this is still bothering me. If Skynet has some impenetrable fortress, how the heck did they just cruise in there!? Second of all, a heart transplant in the desert! For real, seriously! I think the original ending of John Connor dying should have been retained.
Salanis wrote:
The biggest thing that got me is how STUPID everyone and everything is. The resistance and Skynet both did completely boneheaded things over and over that I kept asking "Why the hell are they *doing* that?!?" "Why don't they just do this other thing?" "Could they really have set things up *that* stupidly?"
I felt the same way about the Matrix movies... if machine guns aren't effective why bother standing there emptying them into the crowd? I mean... it looks cool and all but it was a colossal waste of time. By the 1/2 way point of the 1st movie somebody ought to have figured out that they either need to run faster or get some badass ninja swords like in Kill Bill.
5/31/09 6:42 p.m.
I thought Quantum of Solace was absolutely terrible. If I could've left in the middle and gotten my money back I would've. I don't remember exactly why I didn't like it, but I think it had to with the lack of a plot.
New Reader
5/31/09 6:55 p.m.
Terminator, Shermanator, Tow-mater......
G.I. Joe..... FTMFW!!!!! 

5/31/09 7:48 p.m.
I'm not holding my breath on the G.I. Joe movie. "Accelerator Suits"? WTF?
I think they exist because it's a lot easier to render mechanical objects with fewer polygons, than it is to try to do a CG person that looks real. (Again, a problem with the Matrix movies.)
If you want to see a good movie, see In Bruges, I am rather surprised it got not Oscar nominations. Probably on DVD by now. Best thing about this movie when you see it, you will no NOTHING about it. Trailers really kill movies. I won't tell you what it is about, but I will say it has humor, some action, drama, a good story, lots of good acting and good music.
5/31/09 8:58 p.m.
aircooled wrote:
If you want to see a good movie, see In Bruges, I am rather surprised it got not Oscar nominations. Probably on DVD by now. Best thing about this movie when you see it, you will no NOTHING about it. Trailers really kill movies. I won't tell you what it is about, but I will say it has humor, some action, drama, a good story, lots of good acting and good music.
Great film. Hilarious lines that make no sense out of context.
"berkeleyin' Bruges." "Ye're not goin' up there are ye? I mean, look at you." "Give me a real beer, not some little faggoty beer." "I wasn't waving at anyone... except maybe a horse.
5/31/09 9:07 p.m.
"Ye're not goin' up there are ye? I mean, look at you."
Gotta put this one into context, as it made me laugh just thinking about it.

5/31/09 9:10 p.m.
"Yer a bunch of berkeleyin' elephants."
I love watching movies without knowing anything about them.
I saw Bill (, Weirdsville ( and Taken, and a few others like this. I actually saw previews for In Bruges, but none of my friends had and we all enjoyed it.
One of the best movie experiences I ever had was going to see a movie I never heard anything about before... turned out to be Terminator!
Terminator had its ups and downs, but my question is about the Jeep. 10-12 years after the Nuclear Bombs, the hero jump-starts a Jeep. OK, lets forget about the EMP that killed the Jeep in the first place, and assume that he found a battery that held a charge all those years. The gas is still OK to run the Jeep? Sitting in the salty air of San Fran completely open for all that time, nothing rusted? Nothing nested in the exhaust? Nothing chewed through the rubber lines? The CD player still worked fine? The tires still had air? The brakes weren't frozen? I had to shut off my mechanical mind for 2 hours to get through that movie!
Salanis wrote:
...(Again, a problem with the Matrix movies.)
I think they did a pretty good job with those movies. Obviously, they didn't get it perfect, but I saw the first movie like 20 times and didn't notice it, and the later movies took me 3 or so tries to start to notice it--and it didn't bother me then.
confuZion3 wrote:
Salanis wrote:
...(Again, a problem with the Matrix movies.)
I think they did a pretty good job with those movies. Obviously, they didn't get it perfect, but I saw the first movie like 20 times and didn't notice it, and the later movies took me 3 or so tries to start to notice it--and it didn't bother me then.
The CG-people thing didn't bother me in the first movie. It was the later two where they had entire fights that were all CG, that got really old for me.
pinchvalve wrote:
Terminator had its ups and downs, but my question is about the Jeep. 10-12 years after the Nuclear Bombs, the hero jump-starts a Jeep. OK, lets forget about the EMP that killed the Jeep in the first place, and assume that he found a battery that held a charge all those years. The gas is still OK to run the Jeep? Sitting in the salty air of San Fran completely open for all that time, nothing rusted? Nothing nested in the exhaust? Nothing chewed through the rubber lines? The CD player still worked fine? The tires still had air? The brakes weren't frozen? I had to shut off my mechanical mind for 2 hours to get through that movie!
Dude! Same thing in "Demolition Man." Eating rat burgers and , whoa, hello, a mint 442? With fresh tires? Never mind that the movie's cars are electric and gas hasn't been produced in years, cause this things got a tank full of high octane. And keys in the ignition.