I have one little goal I set for myself every week, it's to work things so that I can get off a little early on Friday. Yeah I know, it's not much of a goal, but it makes me smile when I make it happen. I only make it about 1/4 of the time.
I'll be through in about 45 minutes so I'm smilin'.
This means I'll be able to hear some live, FREE, local music tonight. We've got a great venue that gives us a wide variety of groups along with comfortable seating, a dance floor and loads of reasonably priced food & drinks. You can't ask for much more than that.
Oddly enough where I'm going is to a large patio area outside an upscale grocery store. Not where you'd expect to hear quality music. Anyone else have places like this?
I stumbled upon this place quite by accident and they've been a staple in my life every since. I've made a number of friends I'd have never met any other way. The head of the geology dept. at a local college, a retired billionaire, a retired waiter from Vegas who feeds the homeless now, the Gay Mafia (I kid you not, that's what they call themselves), several teachers, a philanthropist, and a couple of people not far up from being homeless. NONE of which I would have run into any other way!
It is amazing the cross section of people who gravitate here. Several churches have "small groups" meeting for Bible study before the music begins, many high profile people letting their hair down, it's near TCU so there's always a lot of students, rednecks, society types and you'll hear languages from all over the world being spoken there. Music seems to be the great equalizer and a magnet for interesting people.
Here's a video I made about the place - CENTRAL MARKET
As you can see from the video we get all kinds of music and most of it is pretty good. The video came about because I needed an update to send out to my customers and not much was happening in the market so I made the video and tried to stretch the point to make it appear to be business related.
It doesn't take much to make me happy any more.
I hope you have something that makes you smile too.