For having a sense of humor and so on. I have been perma-ban on LS1tech for a second time simply for re-registering an account. I got perma-banned the first time for telling the administrators to have a nice day after deleting two threads about rick-rolling the space station. They A) didn't find rick rolling funny B) Didn't find me humorous and C) didn't know what the space station was because it didn't have an LS1 in it.
The e-mail I received for the ban reads....
This is the message that was sent:
Dear dirtybird236,
You have received an infraction at LS1TECH.
Reason: Banned Member dirtybird222
This infraction is worth 100000 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.
This is the reason why I'm getting away from the LSx scene on an internet based level. Too many Bob Costases
I say we ban this guy ^ for unrequested praise.
Who's with me?
How many points do you have to have before you can cash them in for something?
How many miles will the 100,000 points give you on American Airlines?
I think 100,000 LS1tech points and a dollar will buy you a small coffee
I've posted this before, but I got a spanking on Miatanet for offering someone a spare electric fan:
You have received an infraction at MX-5 Miata Forum.
Reason: Inappropriate Language
Offering to sell parts is not allowed on the forum, please use the classifieds. Thanks!
This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.
Original Post:
Is it the regular fan or the A/C fan? I have a used one. Let me know which one you need and I'll check to see if I have the right one.
In reply to Woody:
Some people just take things way to seriously.
Some people take themselves way to seriously.
I've abandoned more forums than I care to remember for this kind of stupid behavior. GRM is the only one I read daily now. I still keep up with my local car club (all of whom I see in real life once a month at least) and a rotary club where I'm an admin (where I only read the racing section I'm responsible for). All of the other ones can suck it. Reading the Lounge on LS1GTO make my IQ drop. 
I've come to the conclusion that 90% of the LSx community is mildly Ra-Tarded. It just sucks because that forum gets so much traffic and for selling all these f-body parts I have laying in the garage sucks. I guess their is craigslist. But this site is the only one I visit daily and will constantly visit daily. I appreciate the fact that the admins only chime in under extreme circumstances and let the pack basically set the tone and rules on this board.
I was on the decline for the number of boards i was on. Then i realized that for whatever stupid reason there's at least 4 Mazda BG chassis boards that all house different relevant material for ONE CAR. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRG.
But this one is the best. I've left a forum i was a major part of for a long time. Douches, and being ripped off.
This and thesamba are the only boards I read every day. This is by far the best. I can't stand vwvortex because of all the idiots and only use it to sell things. I like thesamba but a lot of people don’t because it is so anything goes some people find it offensive.
I usually breeze through here and the local scca site I used to check rx7club, but it's way too "much yo dude check out my rad bling" what ever the hell that means.
The difference between this board and most others is you actually have to engage the brain to read most of these threads. The yo dude crowd can't keep up.
As far as a sense of humor...really? Are you sure? I was thinking you guys checked it at the door and substituted some twisted facsimile. 
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
1/26/10 10:14 p.m.
What is somewhat amusing is that you're actually one of those posters that we say, "Yea, that was on the edge..." on a pretty consistent basis. I guess that's good? 
Lol if you need me to tone down I will. I just found it funny that I got banned on a site that I was never really "edgy" on, mainly just a contributor of knowledge or a pupil for knowledge. I only went on there to post how I did something or find out how to do something on LSx based cars. The one time I post something off-color I get a perma-ban. can be pretty jerky at times...and I'm a paying supporter!
I've stopped reading It was beginning to feel like a "gated community". I'm more of a diverse, urban, high-density metrosexual (hey, I drive a Miata), than a homogenous, keep 'em out kind of guy.
I love a community where we get excited about someone's new Edsel, or Dart, or E36 M3. This is the best community I belong to.
I am confident that no matter what car I own, someone here will have perspective on how to fix it, mod it, or race it.
1/27/10 7:24 a.m.
For me its just GRM then (In that order.) Locostusa just has an overall different tone, a touch serious compared to here. I like here more.
I only have time for GRM and occasionally, I am considering running up my post count though.
You guys are the only non-AMC owners who didn't laugh at me when I bought the Hornet... 
P71 wrote:
You guys are the only non-AMC owners who didn't laugh at me when I bought the Hornet...
Not on the forum, anyway. 
P71 wrote:
You guys are the only non-AMC owners who didn't laugh at me when I bought the Hornet...
Not on the forum, anyway. 
ZOO wrote:
I've stopped reading It was beginning to feel like a "gated community". I'm more of a diverse, urban, high-density metrosexual (hey, I drive a Miata), than a homogenous, keep 'em out kind of guy.
I love a community where we get excited about someone's new Edsel, or Dart, or E36 M3. This is the best community I belong to.
I am confident that no matter what car I own, someone here will have perspective on how to fix it, mod it, or race it.
They complained on that there were too many Dallas people talking about local events so a bunch of Dallas Miata people started
Meetings and drives were organized on the board and it turned into an unofficial miata club.
One of the guys on the DFW Forum had a thread banned at because the moderator said the post had no point. Ever since then in our local group, has been called 'the pointy board.
DirtyBird222 wrote:
This is the reason why I'm getting away from the LSx scene on an internet based level. Too many Bob Costases
Bob Costas should be banned from this board for life, even though he has probably never been here. 
P71 wrote:
You guys are the only non-AMC owners who didn't laugh at me when I bought the Hornet...
Well, I miss the hornet I passed up a few years ago. And that was a brown 4 door