Some not entirely polite language.
1. to exact punishment or expiation for a wrong on behalf of, esp. in a resentful or vindictive spirit: He revenged his murdered brother.
2. to take vengeance for; inflict punishment for; avenge: He revenged his brother's murder.
.... That's all I see. We finally got our way, revenge is ours. Recycling would be the non hypocritical approach.
8/18/09 9:38 a.m.
That looks like a pretty nice vette for $4500...
Like I said, I wouldn't want to own a vehicle that was owned by someone stupid enough to fall for the C4C deal.
8/18/09 10:33 a.m.
thats like watching a dog being put to sleep. what a waste
Well, the cars traded in are likely to be the nicer cars that have been maintained by the dealer. The people who chose to spend an unnecessary amout of money on car ownership (and are willing to loose a couple thousand doller on a trade in to avoid the hassle of selling it) are the type of people who will do stupid stuff like that. So pretty much the nicest examples of all the older cars still onwed by the first or second owner will all be gone, and just the worn out ones owned by people who cant afford a new car, or the ones owned by people like most of the people here will be left.
8/18/09 11:00 a.m.
i dont understand why the dealer wouldn't give them the 4500 for the car, do a little detail of the interior, coat of wax, and put it on the used lot for 6000. certainly makes sense for that vette from the looks of it.
8/18/09 11:01 a.m.
This one still bothers me

now someone can buy the body real cheap, and swap in an LS to replace that crappy LT...
I saw an SN95 Mustang GT vert with C4C written on it...
Made a sales call today to a Subaru/Acura dealer and saw a 2000 GMC Yukon, looked absolultely pristine (red over Tan) in the C4C row. Supposedly has a bad tranny.
I'm sure a couple of the techs at the Chevy dealership next door would kill for a chance at it, however...
8/18/09 11:21 a.m.
maroon92 wrote:
now someone can buy the body real cheap, and swap in an LS to replace that crappy LT...
No, because they have to be crushed too. Idiocy on top of idiocy.
Duke wrote:
maroon92 wrote:
now someone can buy the body real cheap, and swap in an LS to replace that crappy LT...
No, because they have to be crushed too. Idiocy on top of idiocy.
True, but you can sell as much off of it as you want. You just have to crush what's left of it within six months. I'm sure with some of the newer stuff there may not be anything left to crush after six months. So let's just say you go to the salvage yard and buy the front clip and the rear clip. There is no law against that and no one said that the yard would actually have to separate the two pieces. There would be no way to title it, but you could buy it in parts.
8/18/09 12:57 p.m.
And then search around for another LSX that hadn't been superglued to death to put back in it. Idiots idiots idiots.
8/18/09 1:16 p.m.
OK, I am going to stop looking at threads like these. I am having trouble sleeping at night :(
I'm sorry but how can these guys even stand to be doing this to some of these cars?
Oh god I just saw on another board a dealer took in a GN T type with a fresh GM (crate) replacement motor and trans...
Another high mileage Z28 here this week, this one a 1998
What stops people at the dealers from buying some of these cars to resell? If I worked at a dealer, and someone brought in a t-type to trade in, id pay them $4500 for it and put it on craigslist and e-bay for $7500 (less than any i could find for sale when I looked just now). Do people decide that scrapping a rare old car is their duty to save the world and dont want it on the road anymore no matter what? I just dont really get it.
And this idea came from the same folks who want to run health care... 
Other than the Typhoon badge, can you tell that's what it really is? After all, the "M" badge is one of the biggest sellers in the BMW parts department.
Travis_K wrote:
What stops people at the dealers from buying some of these cars to resell?
I'm sure it has to be registered as a C4C so that automatically condemns it ("Can't touch this").
What you say makes sense (all of it) but one of the hardest things I've ever tried to do when I was at a dealership was to buy a car at the place I worked!
(Off topic, but...)One of my co workers got pissed at the runaround and bought a new '90 Golf from another VW dealership 20 miles away (less $$$) and DARED someone to ask him why the car had the competition's plate frame on it. BTW, 20 yrs later the place finally went under.
Keith wrote:
Other than the Typhoon badge, can you tell that's what it really is? After all, the "M" badge is one of the biggest sellers in the BMW parts department.
True. I thought they had more "Xtreme" bodykits on them.