Thanks for making sure I didn't strain myself. You're assumption that I couldn't want to lift more weight than you was an easy one to make. After all I'm a 5'5" blob who could possibly do what a well sculpted man like yourself can do. I just assumed you were only doing 40 lbs so you didn't sweat infront of your girlfriend. I left more weight in the bathroom before I came out here. I normally sneak into the gym in the wee hours of the morning on my way home from work and keep to myself, but today the missus asked me to go with her so i'm here with all of you pretty people. The thing is, under this thick layer of blubber is a nice bit of muscle collected through the years. It's not shaped to magazine perfection and I'm not here to make it pretty but it is there and works pretty well. I'm just trying to fight off the effects of hand to mouth disease. Besides, unlike your girl, the only lifting that impresses my wife is when my socks make it to the hamper. The next time you feel the urge to come over and touch someone's machine while they are using it and give them a little lecture on how the bigger number is heavier, don't and when I don't listen try not to run off to the manager and tell on me. Your friend and I had a little chat while you were gone and she feels you kinda act like a woman sometimes.
I hate E36M3 people....more word I should'nt say
Look at a gym rats legs next time and see if they are proportional to his body. 9 times out of 10, Mr. Big ego doesn't do anything that actually moves weight and has tiny legs with a big chest...
Those guys can eat my balls. Spend less time cutting up your shirts to show off your awesome lats and more time moving iron.
The obsessive desire to conquer your physique often comes from the inability to control other factors in your life. Sad reality of gym life. 
6/29/09 10:41 p.m.
I love the gym I go to. It's (primarily) for climbers, so you don't get gym rats or meat market folks. The weight section is the smallest area, and there is almost never a wait for anything, except maybe the campus board, chin-up bar, or medicine balls.
And real weight lifters have guts.
New Reader
6/30/09 12:59 a.m.
I despise muscle heads like that.They always have the brand new,matching workout attire complete with gloves.I show up with either sweat pants or ratty denim cargos(do not squat in old denim jeans!) and a T shirt that either has an oil,grease or toddler food stain.They inevitably crowd around the preacher-bench doing set after set of curls while staring at themselves.I'm there to increase the performance of my body not make a fashion statement.D-bags like the above mentioned O2 thief really make my blood boil.
I have a gut.
6/30/09 1:20 a.m.
I have the ultimate revenge on those guys. I don't even look at them. 
I didn't get to look this awesome by exercising and eating right!
Salanis wrote:
I love the gym I go to. It's (primarily) for climbers, so you don't get gym rats or meat market folks. The weight section is the smallest area, and there is almost never a wait for anything, except maybe the campus board, chin-up bar, or medicine balls.
And real weight lifters have guts.
I could never climb. I am 300 lbs and have the fingers of an 8 year old.
When/if i go to the gym, i tend to work lower body ONLY. I'm slightly disproportionate from my years of rock climbing. Which sounds weird, but i didn't exactly climb with much finess, i was a power climber, and i'm blessed(?) with the bigger upper half than lower half. Not to the point anymore that i look like a freak, but still bugs me.
Besides.... lift with your legs!
6/30/09 5:44 a.m.
93celicaGT2 wrote:
Besides.... lift with your legs!
No, no, no..."the key is to put it all in your groin and your back. Take your legs totally out of the equation. Lift with your lower back in a jerking, twisting motion."
Luke wrote:
93celicaGT2 wrote:
Besides.... lift with your legs!
No, no, no..."the key is to put it all in your groin and your back. Take your legs totally out of the equation. Lift with your lower back in a jerking, twisting motion."
I have a very bad habit of doing just that. It's pretty cool! Last time i managed to pop my wrist lifting the transmission to the Escort doing that. 
Wally you get credit for just being there!!
A jerk is a jerk is a jerk, he wasn't born with a ripply body. That whole standing in front of a mirror pumping plastic is compensating for something else lacking, and I really think his g/f is a chubby chaser.
Props to Wally.
Wally wrote:
Your friend and I had a little chat while you were gone and she feels you kinda act like a woman sometimes.
lol, the "woman" act is probably a result of the effect the 'roids had on his dangley bits
New Reader
6/30/09 7:04 a.m.
And that is why I stick with my 12oz. curls in my garage......
ignorant wrote: Look at a gym rats legs next time and see if they are proportional to his body. 9 times out of 10, Mr. Big ego doesn't do anything that actually moves weight and has tiny legs with a big chest...
There was one of those guys at the gym I used to go to - huge shoulders and pecs, but I don't know how he could even stand up with those toothpick legs he had. He never wiped his sweat off the machines after he used them, either. Echh.
Those guys remind me of Alice the Goon from the old Popeye comics.

6/30/09 3:29 p.m.
Wally wrote:
I could never climb. I am 300 lbs and have the fingers of an 8 year old.
I've seen some 8 year olds that can climb like monkees. None of them weight 300lbs though.

mah wheres the protein?!? "Yea, when I grunt when I get my swell on at the gym, that's so everyone can see how jacked and swell I am." MUSCLE MILK, HGH, PROTEIN, POWER BAAAARRRRS!
I'm a gym rat and my legs are prolly the biggest and most ripped part of my body :)
DirtyBird222 wrote:
mah wheres the protein?!? "Yea, when I grunt when I get my swell on at the gym, that's so everyone can see how jacked and swell I am." MUSCLE MILK, HGH, PROTEIN, POWER BAAAARRRRS!
Not now chief, I'm in the berkeleyin' zone!
New Reader
6/30/09 10:55 p.m.
LOL i have a roided up relaitive who has the scrawniest legs of all. totally hilarious, he can't lower his arms. when i work out, its on a cycle. i love cycling. i like to go fast. strong heart is more important than strong biceps i think.
Hell, life is enough of a workout for me. I have never set foot in a gym. All my muscle comes from chopping wood when I was a kid. My old man thought cutting wood was fun...
My beer gut doesn't even have any beer in it. I would much rather eat out than work out.
I tend to ignore condescending people no matter how they are built. Working around hospitals all the time, I get to meet a lot of them. The only thing worse than young doctors are nurse managers.
6/30/09 11:43 p.m.
93celicaGT2 wrote:
When/if i go to the gym, i tend to work lower body ONLY. I'm slightly disproportionate from my years of rock climbing. Which sounds weird, but i didn't exactly climb with much finess, i was a power climber, and i'm blessed(?) with the bigger upper half than lower half. Not to the point anymore that i look like a freak, but still bugs me.
I'm working on building up core strength right now for holding myself into the wall and static for tougher climbing problems. I'm trying to make the jump into bouldering V4+ and roping 5.11+. I had someone show me some great ab exercises just using a chin-up bar.
I'm not a power climber. I'm a technique climber with good lower body strength from cycling when I was young, and foot technique from dancing.