Day two of Thanksgiving leftovers. The kids have already started to revolt.
The tryptophan is already reaching critical levels preventing full consciousness on my part. The effect seems to be less on them. The children are looking at me like I am the enemy. I over hear them saying things like "manipulate" and "survive". Occasionally I hear a grown and can't tell if it is Minecraft or the Ginger plotting my demise behind me. I sometime see Bear from the corner of my view with a gleam in his eye that can only be described as "threatening". Last night I did a DIY Thai Peanut Ramen with turkey instead of chicken. It was good and didn't taste like leftovers but it I could tell from the furrowed brow of the children that they knew it was left overs some how...
At this moment I am deeply regretting teaching the Bear how to drive my old Jeep and both kids how to operate the riding mower. This coupled with them learning the keys on the key ring has given them autonomy in transportation and the logistics of removing "evidence". Ms. Service's decision to teach them the proper use of kitchen utensils including knives and the hand held mixer also seems to have been a poor choice.
I am not sure how much longer I can hold out. The wife has escaped the leftover days by relaxing, working at a Toy Store on Black Friday & Saturday. I envy her.
This may be my last letter as dinner tonight has not been broached. I was able to appease them for lunch with Ramen and left over pizza brought home from my wife, yesterday. Due to a lapse in consumption the bread molded and had to be thrown out. That eliminated the possibility of my goto Grilled Cheese. My desire to live is in conflict with my need to avoid shopping traffic to pick up a few base supplies. I am at an impasse where there are no good decisions.
If this is my last letter tell Ms. Service I love her, and the condensation in the bag of leftover stuffing fixed it being a little too dry.
11/28/15 12:49 p.m.
God speed.
I don't mind leftovers. I just hate having to dig through 10 different cool whip containers and fighting aluminum foil to eat anything.
Watching OSU Vs UM eating turkey noodle soup.
11/28/15 1:02 p.m.
Got half the leftover carcass in the pressure cooker right now so we can have torkey noodle soup for dinner while we put up the tree.
The homemade bread was left to stale overnight and I made surrender bread this morning for second breakfast and I'm getting ready to take the last of it out of the oven in the form of homemade croutons.
I love leftovers!
We love leftovers too. Our group scarfed leaving us a minimum amount - barely anything.
We were sad last night.
A sensible amount of leftovers were brought home. I can eat turkey, and stuffing for a few days. I put thai peanut sauce on my turkey and stuffing today for something different @ lunch.
My wife does a turkey so good, it could turn a vegan back into a carnivor. It's hard to get her do it more than a couple of times a year because about two full hours of prep goes into it before it goes in to the oven. I get nearly to tears every time the last bite of the last dish of leftover is gone.
11/28/15 6:58 p.m.
Leftovers are all gone. Had half the Thanksgiving Day crew back tonight for Leftover Dinner and any that was still left was sent home with them. Thank Goodness, Turkey for every meal for 3 days is enough for me.
I get smaller turkeys now so less leftovers. Freeze some and pull it out in January.
Proper leftovers for a couple of days, then I make turkey stew out of the broth from boiling the carcass. Two days of that. A sixteen pound turkey at $0.59/lb goes a long way.
I love the leftovers. Turkey soup lunches usually get me through til Christmas break. The pie doesn't last so long though 
The final meal my mom made would be toast with a gravy type mix of small pieces of turkey, carrots, and peas all drizzled over the toast. Another meal neither I nor my 5 siblings make today.
We ate at my parents and had ham. No one in my house eats turkey!
I made grilled turkey, bacon and cheddar sandwiches last night. On sourdough bread just like it it sounds, but with the turkey grilled with a little BBQ sauce.