I suppose this could somehow get "bounced" from her, but yesterday I was watching a foreign news report that had a story about the classes ("sensitivity" classes) being taught to Afgan soldiers in an attempt to reduce the violent "misunderstandings" between the U.S. Army's soldiers and those of Afganistan that we are supposed to be fighting alongside of.
Three things were revealed in the news story as being "offensive" to the Afgan soldiers: (there may be many more, but these were borderline bizarre)
1.)Afgans are apparently offended when U.S. soldiers blow their noses in public (not really sure about this one). Do Afgans blow their noses the "manly man" way, with no kleenex or "snot rag", but instead just inhale sharply and forcefully exhale when they get a mouthful of snot that they can spit? News story didn't say.
2.)Afgans are offended when U.S. soldiers show pictures of their wives and/or girlfriends. Apparently, it's ANY type of picture, even a family photo...at least that was the example in the story.
3.) Guys will really love this one, tho instead of number 3 I guess I should have made it number 1 or even number 2 :
Afgan soldiers are offended by U.S. soldiers who use the bathroom STANDING UP....apparently, it is common practice in Afganistan for MEN and women to sit when using "the facilities".
While I realise it is a case of "when in Rome" but I also think there is something wrong when something like these 3 examples, or any of these examples gets you so angry with those blankity-blank foreigners, that shooting them is THE answer. And when I visit other countries (I've been overseas 8 times) I realise they might do things I don't like. In Sicily my hotel room had a bidet in it....I didn't demand a bidet-free room and/or shoot up the lobby of the hotel. Nor did I use the bidet as a large ashtray or trashcan.
The snot rocket thing. They excuse themselves and go to the restroom to blow their nose,
Since they expect their women to be fully covered, it would be awkward to see other people's wives or girlfriends.
Remember it isn't Saudi, these folks have had a very strict religious code that has been ground into them from birth and flexibility wasn't one of the things taught.
They will learn to be more accepting of other cultures, but it will take a long time.
Ever watch Star Trek where they meet other races that seem bizarre to them? Yeah, Gene was ahead of the curve on that one. The US needs to adjust to their host country's culture to some extent and let them adjust to ours at their own pace. It's called diplomacy and it sucks sometimes.
I am not sure where you are getting "that shooting them is the answer". Yes, they do shoot, but I am pretty certain it is not because we blow our noses in public or show family pictures.
I can see a possible reason for the pee standing up thing though. Since it is a pretty basic country, and seems to have the possibility to be windy, peeing standing up might historically have run the risk of "sharing the rain".
I am sure there are things that offend Americans that seems bizarre to foreigners. One minor one might be that we seem to have no issue with depicting rather extreme violence in our general entertainment media, but show a boob.... oh boy!!!
Yea, regarding #3. They don't sit, they hover. Preference is the porto-potties so they can put feet on each side of the seat and their targeting gyros are always out of calibration. The idea of toilet paper also offends them.
They do show improvement, thou. The local that served me bacon for breakfast in the dining facility may give me the stink eye, but he still did it. . .
Now getting them to stop "man love thursdays" on the other hand. . .
House rules, local customs, good manners, whatever you want to call it. Learning what they are, learning to get along, it just isn't a bad idea.
1/25/13 8:32 a.m.
I squatted to go to the bathroom (#2 with a little #1) once in the woods when I was boy. I peed directly into my pants that were around my ankles. Only make that mistake once.
RossD wrote:
I squatted to go to the bathroom (#2 with a little #1) once in the woods when I was boy. I peed directly into my pants that were around my ankles. Only make that mistake once.
By the same token, if you would have been "happy" and had a bar of soap, you could have taken your morning shower.
Another bit of bathroom wisdom - "The last time you use a urinal is the first time you do it while wearing shorts" - Anonymous Wise Man
1/25/13 10:07 a.m.
turboswede wrote:
The snot rocket thing. They excuse themselves and go to the restroom to blow their nose,
Since they expect their women to be fully covered, it would be awkward to see other people's wives or girlfriends.
Remember it isn't Saudi, these folks have had a very strict religious code that has been ground into them from birth and flexibility wasn't one of the things taught.
They will learn to be more accepting of other cultures, but it will take a long time.
Ever watch Star Trek where they meet other races that seem bizarre to them? Yeah, Gene was ahead of the curve on that one. The US needs to adjust to their host country's culture to some extent and let them adjust to ours at their own pace. It's called diplomacy and it sucks sometimes.
Agreed. The more I travel, the better I understand and accept that our culture isn't the default.
When in Asian countries, I have to remember to take offered business cards with both hands and to read them before putting away (to show respect).
In Europe, it's perfectly acceptable for an old man to ride his bike through a busy village while wearing a speedo.
It's funny, but a lot of Canadians are offended that a "thank you" in the states is responded to by "Mmm-hmmm". I've argued with people, that no, it isn't rude. They are acknowledging your thank you, they just don't do it the way you would like (with "you're welcome"). Just like we shouldn't laugh if you ask for a "sack" (bag) or a "soda" (pop).
Yeah? They're offended I stand up to pee?
Well I'm offended at the way they treat women as property and a host of other issues, so we're even.
1/25/13 10:16 a.m.
I don't trust our talking hat, I think they're up to something.......
Lesley wrote:
When in Asian countries, I have to remember to take offered business cards with both hands and to read them before putting away (to show respect).
Huh I'd always seen Japanese people do that in movies and thought it was weird, now I know why. Learned something today 
Imagine how pissed they'll be when they find out I stand up to pee.

1/25/13 11:32 a.m.
A few things Afghans have done that offend me:
Hosting, hiding or looking the other way while people are running training camps to learn how to kill those who don't agree with you.
Promoting and fueling the heroin trade (thanks for that one England)
Going out of your way to keep your people uneducated
1/25/13 11:36 a.m.
Well there's Afghans, and there are Taliban. There's a big difference. What the differences are, I don't know.
1/25/13 11:41 a.m.
The same as there is peaceful religion here, and then there is WBC......
1/25/13 11:48 a.m.
Yes, this. I have friends who work for CARE in Afghanistan, and there are fathers who help to ensure that their daughters receive an education, even at their own risk. One actually ran a secret school in his house - the Taliban would probably have had him executed.