In reply to Lesley:
Do Canadians say Pop instead of Soda?
RossD wrote: Well there's Afghans, and there are Taliban. There's a big difference. What the differences are, I don't know.
Spend a little time getting to know folk, and the difference becomes very clear and substantial.
Sky_Render wrote: Yeah? They're offended I stand up to pee? Well I'm offended at the way they treat women as property and a host of other issues, so we're even.
I agree with this.
Being from Canada (a fairly open, accepting country), I typically expect others to be like that.
In my mind of thinking though, no-one has a right to NOT be offended, especially when it's over incredibly stupid things. Some people would say I have very little respect for tradition, but that is only when it makes ZERO sense. The business card thing in Japan? Ya, whatever. Peeing while standing up? Ya, whatever.
Stupid, meaningless things that people get riled up for for no reason. On the other hand, I do fail to see how Mhhhmm anywhere near comes close to "your welcome", and have never had this problem traveling anywhere in the US.
In reply to foxtrapper:
That's my point. I've never met either. But I do know there is a difference.
So they get offended by our practices in their country? How is it then, that we have to be accepting of their (offensive) practices when they come here?
I just blew my nose on a picture of my girlfriend then stood up and pissed all over it.
Come at me bro.
Spoolpigeon wrote: I just blew my nose on a picture of my girlfriend then stood up and pissed all over it. Come at me bro.
I don't know about the Afghans, but your girlfriend likely is a bit confused.
To lighten the mood:
If I were that close to a Horses wiener, I'd be more worried about getting pissed on!
RossD wrote: Here in Wisconsin (Half way between being American and Canadian), we say both pop and soda!
see now, that's why no one takes you seriously... you wear cheese as a hat and can't figure out what to call your carbonated soft drinks...
RealMiniDriver wrote: So they get offended by our practices in their country? How is it then, that we have to be accepting of their (offensive) practices when they come here?
Thank you. Acceptance is a two way street.
RealMiniDriver wrote: So they get offended by our practices in their country? How is it then, that we have to be accepting of their (offensive) practices when they come here?
We act like bullies in other peoples houses, cowards in our own, and are astonished when people aren't impressed with us
Yes, we have be overly tolerant when people are here and overly tolerant when we're over there. WHY?
What makes it incumbent upon only us?
yamaha wrote: In reply to HiTempguy: Simmer down hat, before I put you back in the freezer.....![]()
Not to get all political here but Afghanistan was pretty stable under their King. Used to be a favorite location for Skiing .
Lesley wrote: It's funny, but a lot of Canadians are offended that a "thank you" in the states is responded to by "Mmm-hmmm".
That's because in incoherent grunting sound is not a replacement for "you're welcome"
I'm still trying to understand the use of "y'all" when there's only one of me.
EastCoastMojo wrote: Y'all is not a plural. All y'all is the plural.![]()
I knew proper clarification would be along. Thank you.
EastCoastMojo wrote: Y'all is not a plural. All y'all is the plural.![]()
At least y'all comes from combining two words that could sort of be used in a sentence, you and all. Ex-Why don't you all sit down. Yins totally confuses me. Is that a combination of you and ins?
I'm not familiar with y'ins. I am familiar with mom'nems, as in "Mom'nems are going to the store, y'all wanna come along?"
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