Seems that all the canoes pop up in the same time span every morning (around 2:15-2:30am pacific time). Would it be possible to just not allow new members to register for 30 minutes every day? Or would that be prohibitively difficult, or off putting to potential new members?
Wouldn't be worth the inconvenience to new members, it's nothing the spammers couldn't adjust their scripts to work around.
7/17/13 8:59 a.m.
Although slightly inconvenient to new users I think it may be time for manual approval of new accounts. Sure you might have to wait a few hours before you can make a post but does anyone need to post right away on anything?
A few other forums I'm on have manual approval of all new accounts by a moderator and it's never been an issue.
JThw8 wrote:
Although slightly inconvenient to new users I think it may be time for manual approval of new accounts. Sure you might have to wait a few hours before you can make a post but does anyone need to post right away on anything?
A few other forums I'm on have manual approval of all new accounts by a moderator and it's never been an issue.
What's this? The voice of reason? Shocking.
I wholeheartedly agree!
JThw8 wrote:
Although slightly inconvenient to new users I think it may be time for manual approval of new accounts.
It's been suggested to the GRMS staff, repeatedly.
The powers that be prefer putting out fires, instead of preventing them in the first place.
In reply to foxtrapper:
Probably because they have this whole magazine thing keeping them busy. 
Apparently, working on cars, racing and writing about these pursuits are more important than keeping spammers off the Message Board. I approve!
7/17/13 9:54 a.m.
Racer1ab wrote:
In reply to foxtrapper:
Probably because they have this whole magazine thing keeping them busy.
If they need volunteers to man the approval station I'm sure more than a few of us would be willing to lend a hand.
But I do understand and appreciate that they have more important areas of focus than the message boards.
How much would manual approval help though? You get a new user, with a not-unusual username and a free email account like almost everyone uses. You approve him after a couple of hours and then...he spams the message board with links to E36 M3ty pirated movie streaming sites and you have to clean them up. How was that better?
GameboyRMH wrote:
How much would manual approval help though? You get a new user, with a not-unusual username and a free email account like almost everyone uses. You approve him after a couple of hours and then...he spams the message board with links to E36 M3ty pirated movie streaming sites and you have to clean them up. How was that better?
Usually what's done is the new user has to send a message to the board administrator in order to gain innitial approval for a limited board use. This weeds out lots of the spam bots because they don't do a good job of writing a coherent message.
Then the new user is limited in their postings, usually to a special introduction board where they must post X number of times before being granted full user status. This weeds out the rest of the spam bots.
It actually doesn't take much work on the part of the administrators to do this. And as noted, there are plenty of board members who would be willing to do the work of administrator for them.
7/17/13 10:28 a.m.
JThw8 wrote:
A few other forums I'm on have manual approval of all new accounts by a moderator and it's never been an issue.
And there are a few I am STILL awaiting mod/admin approval for a little over a YEAR now......that setup sucks.
I have said it before, make an Intro thread that is the only place newbies can post(for like 5 posts or something), if it doesn't stop the spam, at least it'll be localized.
We have debated implementing some kind of approval process--we're still discussing it, to be honest.
The issue we see is knowing who's real and who's not. How far does the interview process go? Do we ask for references? Ask to see photos of their cars? What if they're into cars but don't own anything cool? (That would probably eliminate some of our regulars.) What if they're not gifted writers? That would also eliminate some regulars. Weird name? Who's to decide what's a weird name or not? And in the end will that suck up even more of our time?
So, short answer, we're working on. Our IT people have some suggestions, and we're discussing them. Believe me, it's frustrating us, too.
yamaha wrote:
JThw8 wrote:
A few other forums I'm on have manual approval of all new accounts by a moderator and it's never been an issue.
And there are a few I am STILL awaiting mod/admin approval for a little over a YEAR now......that setup sucks.
Hey now, Corner Carvers doesn't count! They don't want to let anybody in. 
EastCoastMojo wrote:
We need a night mod.
This morning was also probably a little worse because I was late to work, and didn't check the forum. I usually kill canoes before going to work
Yep, I also do morning stuff, but had to go with Tommy to the endodontist to find out about the root canal he needs 
yamaha wrote:
And there are a few I am STILL awaiting mod/admin approval for a little over a YEAR now......that setup sucks.
Maybe you shouldn't have an email address like "free_movie_downloads at gmail dot com."
a while back there was the idea of adding a 'capcha' image test to the registration process, did that go into effect? other forums i've been on have asked questions like "what is the seventh and 14th letter in "XXXX" word? have you thought of doing something like that?
EastCoastMojo wrote:
We need a night mod.

David S. Wallens wrote:
We have debated implementing some kind of approval process--we're still discussing it, to be honest.
The issue we see is knowing who's real and who's not. How far does the interview process go? Do we ask for references? Ask to see photos of their cars? What if they're into cars but don't own anything cool? (That would probably eliminate some of our regulars.) What if they're not gifted writers? That would also eliminate some regulars. Weird name? Who's to decide what's a weird name or not? And in the end will that suck up even more of our time?
So, short answer, we're working on. Our IT people have some suggestions, and we're discussing them. Believe me, it's frustrating us, too.
Have a secret question for prospective members to answer... The question should be.... What does E36 M3, berkeley , or shiny happy person. mean on this messageboard. If they can answer 2 out of three they should be given probationary membership. 3 out of 3 = full membership. One out of three = very slow mod approval. Zero = instant ip address ban.
drsmooth wrote:
David S. Wallens wrote:
We have debated implementing some kind of approval process--we're still discussing it, to be honest.
The issue we see is knowing who's real and who's not. How far does the interview process go? Do we ask for references? Ask to see photos of their cars? What if they're into cars but don't own anything cool? (That would probably eliminate some of our regulars.) What if they're not gifted writers? That would also eliminate some regulars. Weird name? Who's to decide what's a weird name or not? And in the end will that suck up even more of our time?
So, short answer, we're working on. Our IT people have some suggestions, and we're discussing them. Believe me, it's frustrating us, too.
Have a secret question for prospective members to answer... The question should be.... What does E36 M3, berkeley , or shiny happy person. mean on this messageboard. If they can answer 2 out of three they should be given probationary membership. 3 out of 3 = full membership. One out of three = very slow mod approval. Zero = instant ip address ban.
I don't think I knew the censor code till after I was a dork.
i'm still trying to figure out the patio thing..
David S. Wallens wrote:
The issue we see is knowing who's real and who's not. How far does the interview process go?
A simple question like "why do you want to join this autogroup of a bunch of car nuts?" would suffice. A quick glance at the reply to see if it looks vaguely human, and let them in.
Do it as a two step. Set up a newbie into forum, and require new members to make a post or two there introducing themselves. Easily set up with an automatic trigger that gives them unlimited board access after their intro post.
And in the end will that suck up even more of our time?
You've had multiple offers from folk who are willing to do it for you folk, for free, on their own dime.
You guys are making this way more difficult for yourselves than it needs to be, all because you're insisting on reinventing the wheel. The problem with spammers is not new, and the sollutions are not new either.