In today's Chicago Tribune. He bought a GPS so he can argue with it since he is divorced.,0,4976156.story
My favorite quote: "I argue with her all the time. A lot of times I know better than she does what's the best route," boasts Gordon, 70, a retired science teacher from Long Island, N.Y., who started driving 100,000 miles a year after his divorce in 1996, just because he could. His GPS reminds him of his ex-wife.
This is one of my future goals - drive around the country........because I CAN!
That's what the first One Lap Of America was. NewYork-Seattle-LA- Miami, back to NewYork. You collected parking stubs at the airport garages.
I have sex with my wife, just because I can!
That guy is awesome. I would love to have a beer with him
I've driven lots of 1800's, and all I know for sure is Mr. Gordon is a different shape than I am.
I saw some kinda PBS show on him and his car. They interviewed his retired mechanic who said something like "I put 2 kids through college on that car."
Ian F
2/16/11 9:38 p.m.
Yep. Because he has it maintained to the letter of the service manual - by dealers only. And he lives on Long Island...
A friend of mine was parked next to him at a Volvo club meet. People kept coming up to him asking if he could start it so they could hear the engine run.
Everyone near him had to keep asking him to turn the car off. "Hey, Irv, that car stinks..."
Dr. Hess wrote:
I saw some kinda PBS show on him and his car. They interviewed his retired mechanic who said something like "I put 2 kids through college on that car."
Probably because Volvo's are kinda quirky cars and since he's old he has to have EVERY one of them fixed!