Once, On GRM, I saw someone built a coffee table with pennies on top, then covered it with a clear covering that ended up smooth. This same thing is seen in bars everywhere, with money on the wood top, and a clear coat thick enough that it is smooth, despite having coins, keys, etc. under it. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Epoxy??? Not Polyurethane. Magic?
My brother in law just did one with bottle caps (Beware: They float). I'll try to get you an answer and maybe a photo.
I use a poured epoxy finish when im doing very intricate cutting boards and serving trays. Buy it at lowes, build a trough to contain the liquid, and pour. Expect to get a lot of bubbles on the first couple of attempts. You'll get the feel for it.
Yup I did something similar. Posted in the "I made a(n) thread" http://grassrootsmotorsports.com/forum/off-topic-discussion/i-made-an/60673
I used Glazecoat High Gloss Finish Epoxy. Its a two part epoxy. From Lowes or Home Depot. It was pretty pricey but I didn't use much at all so there is still a lot for other projects. To get the bubbles out, you just blow lightly on the area, and the bubbles rise to the surface and disappear. The box should say how much square feet it can cover.

Dino says that he used some kind of two part epoxy from Home Depot.

A sheet of glass is pretty cheap too.
I don't give a rat's tooshie what's on my bar top, as long as there's a cold beer.
In reply to Donebrokeit:
Its easier to clean off the VD from an epoxied top.
This is a product that I have seen in many stores. Check out the paint dept. at any of the big box home improvement stores. You can also search and buy from internet suppliers. I just bought a 32oz & 16oz two part epoxy that's clear cures hard!
We did one with a poured epoxy resin. Got it at Lowe's. Expensive. $70/gallon. Two parts, mix them together, stir, and pour. I had to add some trim around the edge of the table to hold the resin, then glued the bottle caps down. Worked great.

I did a marble countertop repair with THIS a few months ago. Worked pretty well after I got my head around the fact that it will find any hole to leak out of.
I don't know how I missed this thread. I'm embarrassed that I made a thread very similar to this