Kim Kardashian files for divorce
My favorite part of this story: “The news spurred an almost immediate hash tag of #ThingsLongerThanKimsMarriage on Twitter."
Which reminds me: The dinner I ate last night had been in my freezer longer than Kim's marriage.
Things that have been places longer? This is going nowhere good very fast. Oh! Like Kardashian's wedding!
Who could have seen that coming?
Why is she famous? I genuinely don't understand.
big butt lame duck porn star? one expensive dead fish.
10/31/11 1:58 p.m.
Who is that? Yes, I am serious.
When she came to the pool at Harrahs.. she was known as the most popular person on facebook. That was her claim to fame, having the most "friends"
I am sooo disappointed in you Marjorie. The fact that you even knew this lessens you in my eyes.
Margie said:
That was fast
Yeah, I get that a lot from women .... 
Its like you are doing the whole family , one room mansion with the big deck she had to have behind the house and everyone is behind wool blankets . They should have went away where they could have fell in love ............................
carguy123 wrote:
I am sooo disappointed in you Marjorie. The fact that you even knew this lessens you in my eyes.
Ha. I'm liking this story better and better all the time.
Woohoo nows my chance to be a rebound guy!
How many pages of hotlinks is that?
In reply to BARNCA:
Humanity? I'm not sure there's any humanity here...

10/31/11 3:06 p.m.
In reply to Marjorie Suddard:
Total schadenfreude for me. It delights me that this happened.
The guests who attended that sham should demand refunds on the elaborate gifts they were expected to give.
She's too stupid to realize that after all the glitz and glam of the wedding, she'd end up married. Dummy.
BTW--this crap is why people skwawking about the "sanctity of marriage" while they want to deny it for gays really just lose all of their credibility. 
10/31/11 3:11 p.m.
I find it interesting how y'all seem to use the rules of the real and normal world when judging this obviously fake, manufactured world where the scandal is a better story.
10/31/11 3:17 p.m.
ransom wrote:
In reply to BARNCA:
Humanity? I'm not sure there's any humanity here...
There's no humanity, butt there's way too much azzanity.
10/31/11 3:25 p.m.
jrw1621 wrote:
I find it interesting how y'all seem to use the rules of the real and normal world when judging this obviously fake, manufactured world where the scandal is a better story.
Even if it was a staged fake, they still got legally married.
Legally married at $132,000 per day.
Why can't these type programs just go away and be replaced by the Big Bang Theory. Maybe it's the Nerd in me, but I like it.
10/31/11 5:31 p.m.
I have to laugh, according to TMZ the reason they are getting divorced is because he wants to live in Minnesota and she absolutely refuses to live there.
Now, being a Wisconsinite I normally don't have nice things to say about my neighboring state, but.......
Props to MN! If your state didn't suck so bad we may have to worry about a mass influx of Kardashians in the midwest.
That was a compliment, really. 
Taiden wrote:
Leaked sex tape
I went to Wikipedia to find out what her claim to fame was.
Literally, besides that tape it appears she has done NOTHING to be famous. Her family sounds rich, but to be FAMOUS nothing extraordinary has been done. It's really weird. She wasn't an actress, she wasn't (until after) a porn star, she wasn't ANYTHING, just a person with nothing special besides money to her name.