This poor Pontiac was minding its own business while Dad was working at 6:00 am until a Penske Renta-Truck decided to cut through the parking lot.
The 24 ft. boxer cleared its front tire and then turned right.
Frame & rear tire eats the Grand Am. It actually jerked the car left in the spot. You can see where the box rode over the fender. How can you not know where your tires are?

break out some sandpaper and deep cut compound lol
I doubt people driving a rental truck have any clue where their tires are.
About as bad as the day we moved into my current house about 8 years ago - Wed. before Thanksgiving at 5:30 the moving van pulls away and opens the rear quarter of the wife's minivan like a tuna can, including the sidewall of one tire. It was our only car in town at the time. I managed to get a new tire put on so we could go visit with family for turkey day but it was only because the tire shop guys took pity on me.
I know where my tires are at all times, on the bottom.
I do not know why people can rent a cube truck or drive an RV without a CDL.
Years of straight truck driving taught me how to drive a truck, but very few have the same skill set.
4/6/11 9:33 p.m.
^ This.
Scariest drive I ever had was trying to drive a Uhaul across town for our last move. Straight shift, enormous, old. No clutch to speak of. Slow as molasses in January, and impossible to see out of.
Wally wrote:
I know where my tires are at all times, on the bottom.
My tires are usually on the bottom, but not always.
On the bright side, it was only a grand am.
Sucks to loose your daily driver and have nothing to do with the accident though.
Years ago I watched a group of dipsh1t Georgetown U kids trying to get their U-haul out of it's downhill facing parallel parked space on W St. NW in DC across from my wife's apartment building. There was some negotiation to arrive at who might be most likely to pull it off, and a driver elect was designated. He got in, and commenced sawing at the wheel with no direction at all and jerking forward and back about a foot. Eventually he'd managed to get the nose pointed vaguely toward the road, so he got off the brakes and added a touch of throttle.
He proceeded to scrape the side off of about 4 cars - the last of which being a plastic Saturn shed every bit of it's skin spectacularly and with an awesome ripping/crushing/shattering sound.
I don't suspect any of them were better equipped to handle this task after having $200k of their parents money invested in their educations.
Drove a 23 ft. Penske truck across country last winter. Not much fun, and I was certainly under qualified. That said, it's pretty easy to negotiate your way across the country without causing damage - you simply stay far clear of smaller vehicles and make use of the many places that allow large truck parking. I don't think we strayed more than 2 miles from an exit ramp in six days and I was happy with that. I'd rather make the entire trip again than have to drive one of those things through a crowded city though.
4/7/11 3:30 a.m.
I hate the rental truck being driven by one member of the family while the 2nd member in the chase car absolutely refuses to allow anyone between them.
One my many trip from CO to OK, I had this situation. Obviously Dad was more comfortable with higher speeds while his poor missed white knuckled struggled to keep up to the piont of cutting peaple off everytime he changed lanes.
Then there is the "I can't drive this thing at all so I am gonna park this boat at 55 in the left lane and you can just deal with it" crowd. Oh dear lord, watched one of these coming back from Texas a few months ago. She wasn't oblivous to the situation she was causeing, she was adamant about it. A steady stream of cusses came from here with every car that passed her.
93gsxturbo wrote:
I do not know why people can rent a cube truck or drive an RV without a CDL.
No kidding...
I had driven a 28' box truck every day for a number of years in my youth so it didn't seem like much of a leap for me to rent a gigantic 40' diesel RV for a family vacation.
The whole first day was an exercise in white knuckles while learning how to judge distance with cars buzzing up, cutting in front of me and then slamming on the brakes so they didn't have to be behind me. It was about day 5 before I was brave enough to try to drive thru a city. I bet a lot of those rentals get smacked up in the 1st two days by people who have never had any exp with anything larger than a car.
"Steering" on a rental moving truck is a relative term.
Believe me, I work in commerical auto insurance claims. The stuff I see would make your head spin.
Sorry to hear about the Grand-Ma. It hit so hard, it made the wipers go up.... 
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
was this him?
Well, if that isn't a sign of the times....
Grand Ams must be the most accident prone car ever. Most of the ones I see around here have replacement bumper covers on them, busted headlights, dents on the fenders, etc. My girlfriends car is a '00 SE and it's the same way. She was in a 5 car pileup on the interstate a couple years back and then last winter when we had the fuel pump replaced, the car was backed into by a flatbed truck owned by the garage doing the work.
Accident? He destroyed a Pontiac Grand Am. That's doing the world a valuable service!
I drive a 26' Box for a living. It's fun, but yes, your tires are WAY BACK there. Then, for fun, I jump on a forklift, and enjoy rear tires that are more or less under me, and they even get to do the steering.
4/7/11 1:55 p.m.
I had this happen in a work parking lot. While asking who owned the damaged Acura, one typical UAW Detroiter commented "lt serves them right for driving a Honda."
I drove straight trucks for years. My ONLY accident was taking the mirror off of a car that boxed me in at a job. Not bad for half a million miles of no accidents.
I drove a 24' penske truck from NJ to OK.. it was towing a 12' Uhaul trailer.. that was a LOT of fun to back out of motel parking lots. Coming through WV, We ran into a Blizzard and I was forced to drive by GPS. I was relaxed, but my passenger (the friend I was moving across the country) put perminent nail marks in the dash
mad_machine wrote:
I drove straight trucks for years. My ONLY accident was taking the mirror off of a car that boxed me in at a job.
That's completely justified with no loss of karma points.
I owe a couple of grey hairs to those monsters. I've moved a few times, and while they come in handy for moving everything at once, my nerves take awhile to recover.
I rode through NYC in one with my kid at the wheel. More than one grey that day!