There is no feeling better than coming home after a long day at work to find the parts fairy has left you a gift.

I got my new center console. It is weird, I have never actually had a car project where I removed lightness.... The Supra is slowly coming together though!
3/4/10 10:20 p.m.
Maybe second or third. Or fourth. But I'm right there with you, man.
Yep that is a great feeling when you get home and there is a big box of parts waiting for you 
However I would say the best was coming home from a late class and the girl friend had a great dinner ready and waiting for me and was waiting in the kitchen wearing something skimpy 
3/4/10 10:33 p.m.
I love the parts fairy! Especially when he wears those brown shorts 
Yes, my tax return + a little saving has allowed me to go on a parts buying spree over the last few weeks.
I've got a pair of Cobra Suzuka GT seats, VAC mounts, Schroth Profi harnesses and a big crate of lubes and fluids lined up for the M3. The roll bar showed up on the dock today and I'm taking it to the powdercoat shop tomorrow morning.
2 boxes of Sprite engine and trans parts arrived on Tuesday so they can go back together over the weekend.
And I got the bonus they promised last year when the company was running out of money so all that stuff is paid for as well as this season's events and maybe a Locost.
It's been a very good week.
I'm waiting for the parts fairy to drop off my Megasquirt and omgHUEG injectors.
I thought that looked like a toyota console
Either I dont know anything about centre consoles or you dont know anything about screwing.