There are not as many pics in this thread as the title might suggest. I can do pics of any of the following:
- Race car, broken, in the paddock at Mid-Ohio
- Race car on jack stands, my garage with various bits removed
- truck, wife's car parked, covered in sleet
- 911, in my garage, hiding from sleet storm
Anything else will require I take liberties with work that are inappropriate
think a 1998 MPV can do a burnout? 
I am not sure if Its worth grenading the finicky transmission to try. I am sure it could though.
EDIT: GPS, the pics have to be taken after the topic is chosen.
4cylndrfury wrote:
failboat wrote:
GPS, the pics have to be taken after the topic is chosen.
Really I'm just going to google for whatever backdrop the topic suggests and do a poorly integrated photoshop hack of my car, hootis, or whatever else amuses me.
I know the picture is supposed to be taken after the challenge, but I really had/have high hopes for this thread. Since no one can/will/is able to do a burn out, what say we accept Lesley's burn out picture just this once?
If someone would be so kind as to second this motion, I don't think it would be unreasonable for that same person to also be granted "Challenge Presenter" status?
Just a thought...
Im giving Bryan until Tomorrow morning 8am eastern to post a burnout...if not, then we default, and new challenge will be posted....
Please see the first post for a rule update...
Everyone keeps leaving before I can get someone to hold the camera... I'll try again today.
I forfeit. The car still doesn't have brakes. :(
I also submit that this thread is an awesome concept, but will never work without a catchier title.
4/25/12 12:02 a.m.
Wow--this thread failed miserably. 
4/25/12 12:49 a.m.
It was a deceptively tough ask. I suspect most of us live in some form of suburbia, where burning rubber is frowned upon, not to mention illegal.
Start again with another challenge.
Luke wrote:
It was a deceptively tough ask. I suspect most of us live in some form of suburbia, where burning rubber is frowned upon, not to mention illegal.
Bob Costas!
If SWMBO hadn't just wrecked the only rwd v8 car we have, I'd be doing it right now. I know the Mazda and the Porsche just flat WON'T do them...not enough power.
Conquest351 wrote:
Everyone keeps leaving before I can get someone to hold the camera... I'll try again today.
I'm having the same trouble. 
4/25/12 7:37 a.m.
Post something that I can do! Like, "your car sitting in a car port, with expired plates, having not been driven in months."
Erm, that's just about the only one I can do at the moment. 
You guys have about 8 hours before the first burnout video to be posted in a forum full of RWD American V8s comes from a little FWD Jap car with 2-digit horsepower.
Well, I said I was waiting until 8 am its now nearly 9, Id say time has expired...such a shame - with all the 'merkun muscle and boosted i-4s rolling around the forum, no one could snap a pic? oh well...
new challenge:
Your car next to an older version of the same model car

4/25/12 8:10 a.m.
Hm. First gen mx6, first gen ms3, first gen New MINI, (Did cherokees even ever HAVE model progression?) Looks like I'm driving the prizm.
4/25/12 8:21 a.m.
You have to take the photo after the challenge is posted.
Woody wrote:
I did.
COOL! now 2 other people need to vote up your post (I already did) to get the 3 votes for it to count...then you can post the next challenge!
Luke wrote:
You have to take the photo after the challenge is posted.
lol...not to mention the MX and Probe are more like cousins than different generations
4/25/12 9:18 a.m.
Woody's got his votes. What's next?