Conquest351 wrote:
Javelin wrote:
Bonus points if we can stand in the engine bay *and the able-to-run engine is still in it*?
Hell yes! Or even better if it's running...
May be a safety issue there though...
Hey the fan and all accessories are out of the Javelin! As long as I can keep my foot out of the balancer... 
In reply to MG Bryan:
No face = no proof! That could be some bum you paid you stand in your car. 
Lunchtime and Pbucket is co-operating with my computer today. Figured I'd point to the GRM sticker so you guys wouldn't think it's an old photo.

It's surprisingly hard to take pictures of yourself.
Yup, took a couple attempts to jump over the parts and frame then point before the timer was up.

It seems I get to post a challenge now; so, post: a picture of your car in an otherwise empty parking lot
Easy!! Nobody ever seems to come to work...

another vote for Javelin...
Your new Challenge: A picture of your car under, on top of, or next to a large piece of heavy construction equipment.
Think under a crane, in front of dozer blade, in a giant scoop, etc.
Can I substitute my motorcycle for my car? The weather is cooperating this week, so I've laid off the car.
Not sure if this is large enough, but a rental cop came running when I tried to get next to the crane.
I was kind of hoping the dirt from the rallycross would stand out better, but this goldy-greeny-yellow color hides all kinds of dirt.

The next challenge is:
A picture of one or more people using the hood of your car as a table for a beverage and a food item (plate, burger in a wrapper, something like that.) One person must be giving a thumbs up to the camera.
And I just finished eating a banana at work! 
That's a good one though.
5/1/12 10:15 p.m.
Raisin toast and orange juice!

5/2/12 12:16 a.m.
5 votes...I'm gonna run with it.
Next Challenge - In the one shot: your car, and a piece of music from the same year your car was manufactured (CD, record, iPod display etc.)
'91 GMC Sonoma, Firehouse's first CD, released Sept '91

Close-up of cd sleeve (jewel case caused glare):

5 votes looks like a winner.
Next challenge: Your car next to a mile marker corresponding to its 'xx year. Example, my truck, above, would have to be by MM91. My 2003 MINI, by MM3. want me to pull off on the side of the freeway to take a pic of my car???
4cylndrfury wrote: want me to pull off on the side of the freeway to take a pic of my car???
There's mile markers on all sorts of roads, including most of the fun, nearly empty, 2-lane, curvy county roads up here. Should be an easy one.
4cylndrfury wrote: want me to pull off on the side of the freeway to take a pic of my car???
It's less harmful than a burnout. 
Oh, I've got a 2000 Crown Vic, so I need to find Mile Marker 0?
Conquest351 wrote:
Oh, I've got a 2000 Crown Vic, so I need to find Mile Marker 0?
That's only three miles away from where I have to go. (Truckasaurus has no motor, so MM91 is outta the question)