Ok, the Forza thread got me thinking: Why don't us Wii people put up our friend codes for games, too?
To start off, how does posting your code for Mario Kart and/or Super Smash sound? Any other games we could play together?
I'm 4941-9580-5280 for Mario Kart. I'll find my Super Smash later.
Donalson: 4854-6825-7849, Mario Kart
Bastomatic: 4210-4401-3010, Mario Kart
Urban Ranger: 0302-0199-6911, Mario Kart
Gimp: 1246-9237-1732, Mario Kart
Vanilla Sky: 1977-2477-6034, Mario Kart
Wanna come over and play Pong? If we put a sheet of plywood between us we can pretend we are in different states.
The kid already wears me out at Mario Kart. Thanks, but I don't think I want to spread my ineptitude any further. 
I still need to get my copy of Mario Kart
lol i loaned mine out for a copy of medal of honor 2 :)... awesome game... but i'll get the kart back soon... not that it matters i'll be gone for 5 of the next 6 months with no wii :(
It's always fun to go online with Mario Kart and get you butt kicked by a 12 year old girl from japan... those online games can be quite brutal.
This thread has mucho dorkism'....