What a great thread! Last week, we lost our old beagle, Betsy. We had a mini wake for her when we got home from the vets.
When we got there (she had been in the vets care since Tuesday night, when we she had gone from bouncy and happy at suppertime to completely debilitated and unable to move by 8 pm. Upon examination, she had what appeared to be a mast cell tumor on her throat. Two years ago to the month she had been diagnosed with a mast cell tumor the size of a golf ball in her soft palate, causing her to have trouble breathing and snoring even when awake. Surgery successfully removed that tumor but there was always the possibility of another one), she was definitely in worse shape than the previous evening, and the tumor in her throat had multiplied and spread. She could barely move and was having a hard time breathing. Still, it was not an easy decision to make.
It's very hard to have a loved pet die in your arms. And my wife and stepson were a complete mess on the way home. Hell, I was, too. But she had been in the family longer than I have. No real knowledge of her age, as she had been bought from a pound over 10 years ago, but she was probably close to 15 years old.
When we got home, we talked through the tears about all the fun we've had with Betsy over the years. Stories like one time a couple years back, we were all eating KFC in the living room watching TV, back when you got a family size meal that came with a free chocolate bundt cake, and she was begging for food, as usual. Bouncing and going from one of us to the next. We wouldn't give her anything, and after a bit, she stopped. Suddenly there was this loud crash from upstairs, and we ran up to see what happened. As we got to the spare bedroom Betsy came rushing out and we saw a side table knocked over and the light on it on the floor as well as a few other items (pictures, small scultures) that had been on the table. my wife and I both said "damnit" and started to pick things up, then we said "damnit" again and ran back downstairs. Yup, there was Betsy standing in the living room licking her lips next to the coffee table, and suspiciously missing was... the chocolate cake. She had inhaled the entire thing in the couple moments we were upstairs. She had to have ran straight downstairs to the living room and pulled the cake on the floor without hesitation. We're pretty sure the upstairs distraction was intentional...
When we saw her, she was a complete barrel. When she tried to lay down on her side, her legs stuck straight out. She pooped what looked to be pure chocolate cake for a couple days.
So in her honor we had chocolate cake that night.
I know, sappy. But we're gonna miss that dog. The sheltie still waited at the back door for her to come out when I let them out this morning...
When she was younger:

On the couch with our younger beagle, Molly

Autumn, Betsy, and Molly: