6/16/14 6:38 a.m.
I thought I'd start a new thread to tell you all about the rescue mission you helped fund and all about the doggies of GRM. As you may have seen in the original post there was a bit of adventure and excitement which I can discuss later but first let's talk about the dogs.
To cut to the chase we ended up pulling from the auction:
4 yorkie girls
2 yorkie boys
1 yorkie-poo
3 chi girls
4 chi boys
Additionally we drove home 5 other dogs we had previously committed to rescuing out of the mills and helped another rescue get another 8 dogs out (they were intimidated by the auction system so we did all their bidding and paperwork)
More importantly out of 148 lots up for auction only 16 were bought by breeders and 1 no sale. Rescue groups came in and got over 90% of the dogs to freedom.
I was a bit shocked to see the dogs were auctioned in bulk lot format. That is 4 dogs of the same breed were brought out and you bid on how much you want to pay per dog. If you are high bidder you can chose to only take one dog or all the dogs or any subset. So if I bid 20, I could have one for 20, 2 for 40, 3 for 60 etc. This was good and bad, on lots where a breeder wanted just one dog it ran up the whole lot. But when we won a lot we got dogs out fast and in big groups. In the first 5 minutes of the auction I had successfully bid on 7 chihuahuas. Dogs did not go as cheap as had been rumored but thanks to your generosity we were still able to get everything we came for and then some. We actually went way over the limit we were prepared to take but could not let them go to the breeders. Luckily we had people working on the home front to line up more foster homes and ready adopters so the overage was not a problem.
Next up photos..
6/16/14 6:45 a.m.
One quick note before photos. Most of the dogs came with names already and when you are dealing with this many dogs it's easier to keep the name than try to rename them. But the little Yorkiepoo was unnamed and I was asked if I could give him a name in honor of all our GRM adopters.
Many ideas ran through my head but in the end, many people donated on behalf of their own dogs, but one person donated in memory of his so I hope TRoglodyte and everyone else will be ok if I name "our" dog Butter Ball. My mother has agreed to foster him so he will be living up to that moniker very soon.
6/16/14 6:48 a.m.
Good to start my Monday morning with some good news. 
6/16/14 7:15 a.m.
If you have questions about any particular dog here feel free to ask. If you'd like to foster or adopt you can fill out the forms at dutchcountryanimalrescue.org I don't have details on many of them as things were a whirlwind and I didn't get to "meet" each dog.
I'll post a name if I know it but they are few that I remember.
First is Belle, I remember her because she's sitting here in my office

A pile of Yorkie girls

They fit so much better in the Town and Country


So some creative packing in a Pathfinder

Male chi, I kept calling him Brutus, it kinda stuck. He's very friendly and sweet.

Yorkie boys

Chi females

Chi males

Someone came up to us in the parking lot and offered us this little 2.5 lb peanut for $50, this is NOT a puppy, this is a 3 year old dog that has already been forced to produce 5 litters of puppies. She has a massive overbite but it's kind of endearing. One of the other rescues asked if we'd let them take her and we agreed as we were all in love with her and knew we'd just be fighting the whole trip home on who was going to keep her ;)

6/16/14 7:30 a.m.
More to come as they get cleaned up and through their medical so we can get better photos.
I will try not to beat this drum too much further but these dog still all require medical care, and lots of it. They will be reopening the fund raising site at http://www.youcaring.com/other/dog-auction-rescue-mission/185598 or you can donate directly on their website (mentioned above)
In addition to all that this will not be the only time we do this. I also came to find out that for this trip and every weekend when they take dogs to meet adopters or to adoption events or medical appointments etc (basically dogs are always moving) they rent a van. They would really like to buy or have donated a nice used van that can be equipped as a full time transport vehicle. I have offered to do the outfitting of the van as well as any repairs and upkeep for them. If anyone has a line on a good potential vehicle or really deep pockets they would love it and it would go to continually support efforts like this.
Oh man, that German Shepard looks so sweet.
6/16/14 10:46 a.m.
dculberson wrote:
Oh man, that German Shepard looks so sweet.
She is, but also very scared. She flinches at any movement and runs away from everyone but that's a better starting point for rehab than fear aggressive so I'll take it. She's smart too, you can see it in her. I have no idea why no one wanted her, all I can think is she's a small one (maybe 60-70 lbs at most) and if they are breeding for size she might not have been good stock. Only 2 years old too.
Here's a little video of her getting to enjoy a yard and stretching her legs for the first time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QGOKlb0iYA&feature=youtu.be
:'-) that's such a great video.
Dog breeders have made GSDs too big ! The 68-70 pounds is perfect, classically the GSD was not a very big dog..
You have an awesome yard for dogs, that's for sure.
6/16/14 11:26 a.m.
dculberson wrote:
:'-) that's such a great video.
Dog breeders have made GSDs too big ! The 68-70 pounds is perfect, classically the GSD was not a very big dog..
You have an awesome yard for dogs, that's for sure.
Agreed she is much more a classic GSD and the right size. My in laws have a 120 pounder and I love that big guy but he almost doesn't seem like a GSD anymore when he's that big.
6/16/14 11:54 a.m.
Nice work. You're a good person.
6/16/14 12:50 p.m.
excellent results, thanks for what you do
6/16/14 7:24 p.m.
Dogs are getting cleaned up and ready to meet the world so I'll add photos as they come to me. Remember most of these probably won't look like what you expect because they have to be shaved to remove the matted in filth from the mills. On that note I'll give you Lincoln. Believe it or not he's a Pomeranian. He has a great disposition and is very friendly. Very unusual for a mill dog but most of the ones in this run are very well socialized.

6/16/14 7:31 p.m.
And this is Duffy, and 8 year old Shih tzu who also has a great personality and is ready for a new life. He gets along great with Lincoln and they've spent quite a bit of time together so if you are the "one is never enough" type they'd go great together.

I'm really glad you're so far away from me right now
6/17/14 1:58 p.m.
dculberson wrote:
I'm really glad you're so far away from me right now
Hell you're not that far, we deliver.
You're doing good work. Thank you.

dculberson wrote:
I'm really glad you're so far away from me right now
Me to I would love a GSD but I have no real backyard space with grass.
6/17/14 4:23 p.m.
wearymicrobe wrote:
dculberson wrote:
I'm really glad you're so far away from me right now
Me to I would love a GSD but I have no real backyard space with grass.
It's funny, not so much from you guys but from our regular supporters. We're a small dog rescue, everyone who supports the group is a small dog person but suddenly EVERYONE wants Belle (the GSD). She is a stunning dog for sure.
JThw8 wrote:
wearymicrobe wrote:
dculberson wrote:
I'm really glad you're so far away from me right now
Me to I would love a GSD but I have no real backyard space with grass.
It's funny, not so much from you guys but from our regular supporters. We're a small dog rescue, everyone who supports the group is a small dog person but suddenly EVERYONE wants Belle (the GSD). She is a stunning dog for sure.
I donate locally to our GSD rescue, so when I get a home with some space its in the cards.