Boy, I really need to make a build thread or something
I'm like . . . . BEYOND excited.
Her first try, passed everything with the cleanest scores the technician has seen from a sniffed vehicle in a while. That's a direct quote.
I was shocked, in fact, the ONLY thing that failed was the gas cap. I just bought one from the emissions place, I didn't want to risk going to buy one, retesting and failing, LMAO!
But yeah, I'm so beyond excited . . .I have to show off pictures of the tagged baby!!!

And because I like E28s . .

Congradulations, they gave me the non-vented gas cap business before. Just be glad you don't have to deal with the smog police here in california. In san diego they had mobile testing stations to catch polluting cars.
Seriously? That has to suck, my Bullitt would fail MISERABLY at those tests . . .sigh
I'm sorry to hear you have to go through that, come over to Atlanta and drift the Benz ^_^
benzbaron wrote:
Congradulations, they gave me the non-vented gas cap business before. Just be glad you don't have to deal with the smog police here in california. In san diego they had mobile testing stations to catch polluting cars.
i wonder what hell it would raise if i happened to be visiting with my other state tagged mustang cobra with no cats on the exhaust 
They won't bother you until you try to register it in california. The best thing to do is play stupid and say you bought your car that way and never realized it was illegaly modified.
Florida has no state inspection. :D
yay for emissions passing E30s and pretty E28s...
My saab also passed emissions squeaky clean.
Nj allows the following
NOx 970
HC 128
CO% .71
I had 95, 12, and .02 respectivly
I'm still surprised Michigan doesn't do emissions checks
does Michigan do safety checks yet?
My Mom's side of the family is from the UP...I have heard stories about the sad shape of many cars up there..
as my uncle says, they have the friendliest cars, their fenders wave at you as they pass
2/2/09 8:35 p.m.
Congrats! That is a very pretty car 
Very nice! Yet another car that's hard to find in nice shape in the Snow Belt. Congrats on your purchase.
I remember I was sweating bullets when I got my FC inspected since rotaries and sniffer tests don't mix. Imagine my very pleasant surprise when the tester told me that Mass., which normally follows Cali's smog nazi laws, no longer smog tests pre-OBD cars!
Then my heart sank when I found out my brake lights didn't work. Two hours and little bit of soldering later, I was good to go.
2/3/09 10:03 a.m.
In NC only OBDII cars get sniffed and even then that is only in the larger counties. Most counties still don't have any emissions check. We have safety inspection though but those are extremely lax.
Your second picture looks like you parked in front of one of those wacky carnival mirrors!
Ohio used to sniff your cars rear end, but gladly they stopped cuz the cost vs effectivness just wasnt there...millions spent, ridiculously low effect of like .2% increase in air quality meant no more "E-check", and new regulations for industrial poluters.
Good for GRMrs , bad for Mr. Industry guys smelting plant.
While Im glad its gone, I was mad that at my last test, I failed, and was given an order from the state to replace my exhaust. I just dropped $185 for a new exhaust system installed on my $1500 '90 Cavalier, and a week later, the car nazi regime was disbanded...oh well, I suppose I was doing the right thing for mother nature, so I shouldve felt good about everything, but somehow, I felt a bit jipped...I dont like dropping next to 2 bills and not feel any benefit in my butt dyno
mad_machine wrote:
yay for emissions passing E30s and pretty E28s...
My saab also passed emissions squeaky clean.
Nj allows the following
NOx 970
HC 128
CO% .71
I had 95, 12, and .02 respectivly
I don't want to rain on your parade too much.
But that's not exactly squeaky clean. Pretty much every single new car on the market produces about 1/10-1/5 of your NOx, and some have 1/10 of you HC once the car is fully warmed up. And that's with catalysts and sensors that are aged to full useful life (basically 120k miles).
And if your testing site is anything like the site that GRM used to "prove" how clean the Miata project was, then the numbers may not even be real. But to get an idea of how real, one would need to produce all the data- CO2, etc.
Not bad, no question. But far, far from what new cars put out.
Just want to put things into perspective.
Well, how old is his SAAB? My car probably isn't anywhere NEAR that clean, but if it were, that'd be pretty cool considering it turns 23 this year.
Black Stig wrote:
Well, how old is his SAAB? My car probably isn't anywhere NEAR that clean, but if it were, that'd be pretty cool considering it turns 23 this year.
To me, it doesn't matter. I'm just trying to point out that what most of you think is "clean" or even "squeeky clean" wouldn't pass any current standard. It's all relative.
it's a 14 year old 900 Turbo.. for it's vintage, that is pretty damn clean.
As for where it was tested.. it was done a state inspection station.. while privately run, it is still owned by the state of NJ and there is no incentive for those people to skimp on the inspections
In GA, the only "incentive" people have is the whole No Pass No Pay rule. You can get your inspection done fifty-fillion times, you don't pass you don't pay.
Although, I wonder if they add it up, HAHAHAHAHAHA! So when you DO pass, it's like 36,000 dollars please . . .