God that go-kart race looks a hell of fun!
Maybe this is "by Michigan standards", but this seems pretty solid for $1500
How long does a new membership have to wait to get access to the marketplace??? We saw an ad as non members, so joined hoping to ask questions about the ad- as soon as we joined and logged in, we don't have access to any marketplace ads.
Kind of frustrating to look at the FB market place waiting to see something you like, only to be denied the ability to use it when we find something.
It's going to take a while.
The whole point is to keep scammers off of Marketplace. As scammers have been tough to keep off FB to begin with, they are not going to make this a quick and simple process. I was on FB for a decade, and they wouldn't give me access until I changed my language from "Pirate" to "English". Even then, it took months. I would suggest using FB to actually do what it is designed for- add friends, post, and react and comment on your friends' posts. Otherwise, you may be in for a long wait.
In reply to Cooter :
Thanks for the warning. Other than the marketplace, we don't see a point to FB. So I guess we can't buy anything.
It is a perk to a social media website that relies on the information you give it to vet you as real. That is one of the reasons why it is being used in place of CL. It was never meant to be standalone; just another reason for FB to make sure it is your one-stop shop for everything online. FB gains nothing without gathering information about you. Good or bad, it is what it is.
I am really getting fed up with the marketplace algorithm.
Search "suzuki g13b" FB decides I probably meant "Mazda 13b" and for the next 5 weeks all it wants to show me is RX7s for sale on the other side of the country.
Accidentally click once, just once on an angry political party sticker. Bam! flooded with ads for similar things.
Looking for some milling machine related items? For the next week we are showing you sausage grinder attachments, food mills and pasta makers.
They is an entire thread started just about how nutty the algorithm is. And they still are holding fast to the inane "Is this available?" button that fully 40% of the people responding to my ads accidentally click. Which you are then expected to reply to, or your response percentage suffers...
In reply to Mr_Asa :
Me too... If I wasn't already in way over my head with projects, this would be a "check out my new toy!" post instead of a "someone please buy this and get it out of my sight" post.
Bluebird bus with satellite buses
Might need an industrial size order of disinfectant for this one; multiply the needs for an authentic '70s shaggin' wagon van by the size of a Bluebird bus.
At least the owner picked out interior materials that look easier to clean than shag carpet. But what is up with bus conversions and wood burning stoves?
You'll need to log in to post.