An ignominious end to such a vehicle: 1967 Rolls-Royce Slver Shadow 4dr $1,695
"UPDATE FOUND ALL CROME INCLUDEING RATITOR CROME WITH THE FLYING LADY this is a older resto started owner ran out of money was driving before resto started lost title WE HAVE TWO ENGINES THAT GO WITH BUT NEED GOING THRU"
In reply to No Time :
Youtube stardom awaits you.
In reply to Peabody :
At $3000. that is gonna sell real quick!
I'm not sure why when I click on the ad I don't see any of the pictures, but this looks interesting from a Challenge POV:

(edit: when I click on the link I created, it shows a fair amount of interesting stuff that may be useful on a Challenge build, depending how much they want for them).
'99 Boxster project, needs a transmission ...and probably lots of other little things you'll find out about afterward.

If you buy that one ^
You may want parts. Check with Jason. He's legit. I have bought from him a couple times:

In reply to Fueled by Caffeine:
I'm saying it's a fairly effective death kart, based largely on the use of plastic lawn furniture for "racing seats". 
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine :
This was on Craig's about a year ago, same town, higher price.
65 Mini Cooper $2k
Just around the bend from me, I am not even going to look at it, the wife would kill me, I have too many projects and a baby coming. Looks like some rust repair needed, but still.

1972 Challenger - $7500
I don't follow the prices on Mopars, but seems low enough to raise questions.

In reply to No Time :
When I clicked the link it said there were no products in my area. I am in Easton, and would go look if someone here was interested. I will say that the background is not familiar, especially the white multi story building.
In reply to TurnerX19 :
I took another look after your post and it was already marked sold.

In reply to No Time :
Yeah, that's a pretty screaming deal for a running E-body, even a plebian one.
Someone must have a project they want to fit this in:

Somebody got quite a deal on that Challenger. That is the typical asking price for 75% of a rolling chassis on E-bodies (the remaining 25% being rust holes).
'85 Fiat $800.
Glad I got the 914s recently or I'd be going 'off-brand' to look at this: