So Facebook's AI thinks I need to build a model railroad - I don't. Seriously, that was my childhood & after having everything fro Z-to-G it's not something I have any desire to revisit. But hey, I might as well help enable everyone else who's recently gotten the bug, right?
This looks like a nice HO Atherns Seaboard passenger set with boxes for $80.
11/3/20 12:29 p.m.
Just admit that The Algorithm knows you better than you know yourself and build all of the sets you find.
Because there ain't no way I'm going to click that link and start getting RickRolled with train sets on Marketplace...
Actively looking for Kato Nscale Unitrack. I dont Facebook.
Soooo . . . this isn't the most creative layout I've ever seen, but has a couple things going for it:
1. The scenery is actually pretty well done.
2. It's $40.

Might be a decent place to start for someone who just wants to run some trains without putting a ton of time into building.
Hey guys, I have some small stuff I got a long time ago that I realize I'll never do anything with. I'd love to get a bit under a fair price for a fellow grmer.
anyone willing to let me send them some pics for a quick estimate??
In reply to jfryjfry (Forum Supporter) :
I'm thinking Slowbird or Appleseed are probably your best resource on older stuff. I just started building/buying around Christmas time, and I've been working pretty much exclusively with pretty recent stuff. Happy to look at it if you want to DM me some pics. Just understand my 2 cents worth is probably 2 cents Canadian at best.
In reply to Appleseed :
Yeah. According to the listing, Chicago area.
I'm going to have SWMBO message the guy (I assume it's a dude, aren't we all?) in the next few minutes. That's a steal. The plywood alone is worth north of $20.
So, don't keep us in suspense Appleseed, did you get it?
jfryjfry (Forum Supporter) said:
Hey guys, I have some small stuff I got a long time ago that I realize I'll never do anything with. I'd love to get a bit under a fair price for a fellow grmer.
anyone willing to let me send them some pics for a quick estimate??
I'm no expert, but I could take a look at it.
kazoospec said:
So, don't keep us in suspense Appleseed, did you get it?
I'm leaving in about 15 minutes to go get it. 75 mile round trip, but it should be worth it. was HO. I have no HO trains. Bummer. If anyone in Chicagoland is looking for a decent HO setup, this is it.
Well crap. Add said N Scale, and I couldn't see anything in the picture that helped clarify the scale. Sorry to have contributed to a wasted afternoon. 
Shoot me an email and I'll send some pics. I don't have much and nothing looks significant but might be nice additions?
my username at yahoo
In reply to kazoospec :
No worries. If it was N Scale , we'd be internet high fiving.
Appleseed said: was HO. I have no HO trains. Bummer. If anyone in Chicagoland is looking for a decent HO setup, this is it.
I should ask my sister to go get it and hold it for me, she lives south of Chicago.
In reply to slowbird :
Damn, if I'd have realized, I'd have snagged it and held it for you. Regardless, I would see if she can grab it. The scenery isnt great, but the track looks well laid.
So when I saw the thread title I stupidly thought...."What model of Rolls Royce is ever considered "cheap"?
but oh....never mind me. My only trains are Lionel 027 from several decades ago, sitting in a box in the basement. Maybe it is time to get back into model RR?
In reply to Yourself :
If anything, put it under the Christmas tree or Menorah in about a month.
So these seem like the sort of quirky stuff that might appeal to some of you all. If they are, in fact, DCC equipped, a pretty decent price too.

In reply to kazoospec :
Heck, I'm gonna have to get into N scale too at this rate. I keep seeing cool N scale stuff that I want.
That reminds me. I wonder what scale would be a decent approximation of a small ride-on yard train for HO scale people?
In reply to slowbird :
Z. Not cheap by any means.
Do what I'm doing and split the difference. Go HOn30. Ho scale on N scale track.
I really, really want those 44toners. Wonder if anyone near Chambersburg, PA is willing to snag them?
In reply to Appleseed :
I've never heard of HOn30 before. Is it supposed to be an approximation of HO scale narrow gauge?
In reply to Appleseed :
Chambersburg is about 3 hours away from me, but I could maybe work it if you need me to.