3/14/11 7:26 p.m.
We need one of these! All the cool kids have one... Feel free to add more!
Pour yourself a shot, or better yet, a double of hard liquor or whatever you want. Keep the bottle handy.
Take a sip if:
Someone titles a thread "Learn me on..."
Someone starts a "talk me out of a..." thread and everyone does exactly the opposite
Someone starts a gun thread
Someone posts a rant about:
- poor drivers in winter
- counter staff at NAPA/Autozone/etc.
- young'uns facebooking/texting
- the Jalopnik redesign
Ignorant flounders a thread
Margie's patio is mentioned as suitable punishment for some transgression
Drifting is compared to figure skating
Someone posts a Ken Block video
Take two sips if:
Someone mentions E36 M3 and is actually referring to the car, but you read it as "sh^t" anyway
A sweet deal on Craigslist is posted... and it's in Atlanta
"Talk me out of a..." thread results in purchase of the vehicle in question
Hess flounders a thread
Wally posts a "weird news" story
The term "hootus" is used
The spelling "Camero" is used
"Camaro", spelt either way, is pluralized with an apostrophe ("Camero's")
Maffew defends his Biturbo to the peanut gallery
Slug back the glass if:
The hotlink thread falls to page 2
"Talk me out of a..." thread results in purchase of said vehicle by more than one participant in the thread
One of the GRM staffers flounders a thread
A years-old thread is resurrected by canoe, nobody notices, everyone keeps posting as if it were current
Someone suggests a ridiculous engine swap to improve reliability or economy
There are no "what car?" threads on page 1 of both GRM and Off-topic
Someone links to tempotopaz.com
An American refers to Canada as "America's hat"
...and a Canadian counters by referencing the burning of the white house in 1812
Empty the bottle if:
Keith answers a Miata question wrong
I flounder a thread
Nobody answers a "learn me on..." post with "my parents/aunt/BIL/etc. used to have one of those..."
Nobody answers "Miata" in a "what car?" thread
Someone states they'd rather have a heavy car with lots of airbags
Someone defends the Jeep Liberty as a "proper Jeep"
Someone tries to flounder a thread, and no one takes the bait
Someone "disappears"; the square footage of Margie's patio grows
GRM hire a forum regular for their editorial position
The FT-86 goes into production
How come Hess gets two sips and I get one..
Does this constitute a flounder.
3/14/11 7:46 p.m.
I was going to have you and the Dr. share a line but then I figured my thread would explode. 
3/14/11 7:50 p.m.
Cause iggy is (slightly) more active than Hess.
Jay wrote:
GRM hire a forum regular for their editorial position
Hopefully you will all be emptying bottles shortly!
Drink what? Idrink everytime I see a post, am I winning?
mtn wrote:
Cause iggy is (slightly) more active than Hess.
slightly I'm like 2k posts up on that slacker.. :-)
I had to vote this topic up.
Now I need a drink.
This game blows, there is already a copy of it here:
where this game be at, yo!
Jay, are you trying to make these guys drink more than they already do.
You might as well do an easy version and just have them drink every time they post something. Not only will the post counts go through the roof, they'll get stranger to boot.
Wait, I think I hear a drunk man typing now. 
John Brown wrote:
This game blows, there is already a copy of it here:
where this game be at, yo!
And I WANT a 2.4L Liberty.
But I really do prefer my big, heavy, airbag laden car (see avatar) Drink up, suckas!! 
BTW, sips are way to small for us. You need to start it a gulps and end it at cases. Sips, what do you think we are snobs sipping sparkling crap.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
I had to vote this topic up.
Now I need a drink.
Saloot, pics or it didn't happen.
I don't drink and shoot
Well, I logged on to post a "Learn me on Camero hootus" thread but I guess I'll wait. I don't want to cause the entire board to get drunk on a Monday.
I mean... again. 
EastCoastMojo wrote:
I don't drink and shoot
Salut! My spelling arnt good sometimes but my drinkin is fine thanks.
hmmmm a GRM drinking game. sounds fun but i feel the Challenge event is the place for this
TRoglodyte wrote:
Drink what? Idrink everytime I see a post, am I winning?
WEEENER ding dong.Give him his trophy.
nervousdog wrote:
Well, I logged on to post a "Learn me on Camero hootus" thread but I guess I'll wait. I don't want to cause the entire board to get drunk on a Monday.
I, for one, don't want to learn anything about Camero hootuses (hooti?).
One sip for a mention of Margie's patio, a full bottle if the square footage grows and someone disappears.
3/15/11 6:36 a.m.
Ninja edited to add Keith's and racinginc215's excellent suggestions. I can't neglect the patio can I?
this....is.....freaking awesome!!!!!!
There should be something in there about people posting in the hotlinking thread and not putting a hotlink.