Anybody else read the last words from the guy who crashed his plane into the IRS/FBI HQ in Austin?
He was making a whole lot of sense right up the last paragraph with the suicide bomber ending.
2/18/10 7:52 p.m.
He doesn't seem to be the crackpot that the media makes him out to be. That was pretty articulate. Sucks it happened but if it raises awareness then he succeeded.
Sounds like that dude wasn't so smart on how to play the system to his advantage...
poor him.
bet he was a teabagger.
really.. how much does it cost to create an LLC or a corp and then use that as a personal tax shelter?
Those who fight the rules lack the creativity to use the rules to their advantage.
Marty! wrote:
He doesn't seem to be the crackpot that the media makes him out to be. That was pretty articulate. Sucks it happened but if it raises awareness then he succeeded.
Sadly for him we live in a society where people who crash planes into buildings are generally considered crackpots.
2/18/10 8:37 p.m.
Well after further reading, I'm glad no one other than himself died. On a second note, why do manifestos have to be so long and boring. At least the unabomber had the correct chronological order of crazy. He maimed and killed then released his manifesto. I didnt even hear about this crazy man's antics and his manifesto was already on the web? Stupid crazies, they dont even know how to self-publicize these days. He probably thought he'd come home after the crash and update faceblow and twitterspace on how glorious and self-righteous he was. Dumb-ass.
2/18/10 9:21 p.m.
ignorant wrote:
Sounds like that dude wasn't so smart on how to play the system to his advantage...
poor him
That's kind of what I got as a subtext to the whole thing: he tried to stretch the rules and got burned, then he screwed up and got burned, multiple times each. It obviously couldn't have been HIS fault so it must be those lackeys of the uberlord rich, the IRS, keeping him down. So he decides to throw a 20-year-long tantrum that ends with offing himself.
Yea, agreed.
Burnt multiple times. Gets depressed. Blames it on guberment. Kills self.
Not that what some of what he said wasn't true or didn't make sense, but I'm not about to pity him.
Not sure if he went so far left and that he ended up far right or so far right that he ended up far left.
RossD wrote:
Well after further reading, I'm glad no one other than himself died. On a second note, why do manifestos have to be so long and boring. At least the unabomber had the correct chronological order of crazy. He maimed and killed then released his manifesto. I didnt even hear about this crazy man's antics and his manifesto was already on the web? Stupid crazies, they dont even know how to self-publicize these days. He probably thought he'd come home after the crash and update faceblow and twitterspace on how glorious and self-righteous he was. Dumb-ass.
No kidding. It's like listening to "stairway" for God's sake. Just get to the breif rocking part, let me bang my euromullet a bit and then you can get back to your sentitive crap before you have to play "Black Dog."
Here's the best mass-murder/suicide note ever. If anyone uses this, feel free to change it to suit your needs, but please give me at least a little credit.
"My particular subset of society feels disenfranchised by your larger and more well funded, but probably shockingly similar subset of society. I will attempt to destroy the stereotypes of my people and reinforce the stereotypes of YOUR people with this act of bombing/killing/tacofarting/arsoning/gassing/etc. your facility. The result of this action is that if I die, stereotypes of me will be upheld and you will look like total heroes... so... uh, that sucks. So, hopefully, a lot of us will be injured, and you'll be all dickish about it, but I'll get to use my one semester at Central State JuCo first aid class to help a few people then be all tough like "I wanted to blow them up, but now that I see how pathetic they are I saved a few so they could totally live out their pathetic lives being pathetic. Then I would take your hottest surviving chicks to a Devildriver concert."
That's my manifesto there, baby.
Holy cow this guy was a moron. How is he any different than any of the suicide bombers who try and blow themselves up in a crowded marketplace? Terrorist is all he was. A E36 M3ty one at that. I don't feel bad about another dead one.
I feel bad for the plane. I do not condone Cessna violence.
joey48442 wrote:
How is he any different than any of the suicide bombers who try and blow themselves up in a crowded marketplace?
Not much different.
Except this mother-berkeleyer set his own home on fire first, with his wife and child inside.
Then he got a bigger bomb, 'cause an airplane full of fuel wouldn't fit in his underwear.
In addition to his own pathetic life, he took out at least one innocent schmuck who probably leaves a grieving family, injured a bunch of folks and did millions in property damage.
I'll rot in hell before I read his murderous rant, in part because if enough people do read it, then he will have succeeded.
Duke wrote:
ignorant wrote:
Sounds like that dude wasn't so smart on how to play the system to his advantage...
poor him
That's kind of what I got as a subtext to the whole thing: he tried to stretch the rules and got burned, then he screwed up and got burned, multiple times each. It obviously couldn't have been HIS fault so it must be those lackeys of the uberlord rich, the IRS, keeping him down. So he decides to throw a 20-year-long tantrum that ends with offing himself.
That's not entirely the case... As much as i hate to admit it, but if you can put out of your head for a minute what he ended up doing, he makes some decent points. They may be out of context, but i can say that there's not a whole lot in that manifesto that i really disagree with.
Of course, i may also be slightly bitter at this point in the year what with seeing approximately 38% of my gross pay actually making it into my bank account.
That said, i'm not real close to offing myself in a violent manner, either.
JG Pasterjak wrote:
Here's the best mass-murder/suicide note ever.
"My particular subset of society feels disenfranchised by your larger and more well funded, but probably shockingly similar subset of society. [...]The result of this action is that if I die, stereotypes of me will be upheld "
Well put.
I think that part of Stack's behavior (and McVeigh's) is rooted in narcissism. They seemed to think that the larger public would be awakened or shocked into action on the part of their beliefs; i.e. that they would be accepted as martyrs (or heros, in McVeigh's case) for their "noble cause." Instead, people who take these actions are almost invariably talked about and viewed as loons/idiots, thus further marginalizing their views as the mainstream shies away from their ideas/cause. Think of the Buddhist monks who set themselves on fire to draw attention to cause 'X'. I know that this has happened, but I don't recall what issue had them riled up....their lunacy is famous. Their issue/cause/idea is not.
New Reader
2/19/10 10:29 a.m.
Not a "truther" or conspiracy nut,therefore I can't get into a discussion about McVeigh, but it seems there were a lot of strange coincidences in that case.
Appleseed wrote:
I feel bad for the plane. I do not condone Cessna violence.
Cessnas don't kill people, people kill people.
Besides, this is a much better use of a Cessna for a statement:

In no way do I condone his actions. Don't any of you try to twist what I am about to say as support for what he did, because you will be dead wrong. BTW, his wife and daughter were NOT in the house, a neighbor said they drove up while it was burning and freaked out (well, who wouldn't?).
I read the manifesto. He makes some very salient points about how the majority of the taxpayers paid to bail out GM and the various banks after they got themselves neck deep in E36 M3. Perhaps he could have handled his own IRS problems better; in one part he makes the case that he hired a professional who then screwed things up for him. But he was right about this country becoming more and more like a E36 M3 sandwich: the more bread you got the less E36 M3 you eat.
Again, I do NOT support his actions. I can, however, completely understand his frustrations.
Appleseed wrote:
I feel bad for the plane. I do not condone Cessna violence.
Relax; no Cessna’s were harmed in the pitching of this fit. The aircraft is reported to be a PA-28 which is commonly known as a Piper Cherokee.
As a pilot, the guy gets a humongous FAIL as using a plane in such a way that public safety is jeopardized places all other pilots’ privileges at risk.
Additionally, he hit between floors which greatly reduced penetration…with a +/- tolerance of at least five feet, he should have been able to stick the hit within a floor…dude, you suck!
Also, didn’t he know about Doolittle & others that have shown that an unmodified plane can reliably be taken off at 15% to 20% over gross weight with minimal drama. A 55 gallon drum of gas would only add 380 Lbs relative to a GTOW of 2,150…what a Bob Costas.
93celicaGT2 wrote:
Of course, i may also be slightly bitter at this point in the year what with seeing approximately 38% of my gross pay actually making it into my bank account.
I'm not aware of a 62% tax bracket?
America's tax system does seem both:
A. Needlessly complicated
B. Full of way to many loopholes for people to be able to use.
Also, we seem to as a whole waste a fair amount of our money on things that seem outside of the purposes of running an efficient government designed to promote a free market economy that will most benifit it's citizens.
However none of these are reasons to be a super duouch and fly your plane into the IRS building. I feel bad for the family of the victim in this terrorist attack.
I'd like to know what sort of things could prevent these murder-suicide plots (school shootings, plane attacks). Is their a way we could treat the outcome that may prevent individuals from thinking it's a valid option?
ignorant wrote:
bet he was a teabagger.
What do his sexual practices have to do with anything? 
2/19/10 11:54 a.m.
nocones wrote:
I'd like to know what sort of things could prevent these murder-suicide plots (school shootings, plane attacks). Is their a way we could treat the outcome that may prevent individuals from thinking it's a valid option?
If you're seriously contemplating suicide, you're not likely to recognize that everyone already thinks that similar people are crackpot douchebags.
2/19/10 11:57 a.m.
nocones wrote:
I'd like to know what sort of things could prevent these murder-suicide plots (school shootings, plane attacks). Is their a way we could treat the outcome that may prevent individuals from thinking it's a valid option?
Don't you think that anything suggested would be towards the extreme side of Orwellian, or beyond?
It's kinda worrisome that someone would even ask the question.
no no no that's not what I'm saying. I'm not talking thought control or anything like that.
What I mean is is their a way we could make the way the perpetrators are viewed so repulsive that they don't feel it's a valid option. like dude flying plane into building gets no attention, his suicide note is purged from the internet, something like that. That's what I mean. Is there something that we could do that would make poeple considering doing this after this guy think that you know what.. flying my plane into this building isn't going to accomplish my goals, perhaps I should just shoot myself in the head and get it overwith. I mean at this point this guy is the most famous guy in America. I would say his goal of raising awareness of his thoughts and ideals exceeded his hopes, so Societies reaction to this event could in fact encourage other nutjobs in similar situations to try this kind of thing.