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TucoRamirez New Reader
2/20/10 12:33 a.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
TucoRamirez wrote: I want to set up a homocidal-ideation hotline. There are so many ways to creatively vent frustration and/or make a statement without spilling blood or blowing things up.
You mean high tech stuff like creative dentistry and electric shock or are you just thinking blunt force trauma?

Nah. More like covering things with poop. Writing things with poop. People don't appreciate poop power.

ignorant SuperDork
2/20/10 4:57 a.m.
poopshovel wrote: If only someone could've stopped those berkeleying whack-jobs who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence. Seriously. Everybody has to pay taxes. Jefferson, Adams, Franklin and the like should've just STFU and paid like everyone else. Scumbags. We should destroy that document, and any reference to it, so that no one will be provoked to do anything like that ever again!
That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
That's berkeleyin terr-ist talk! I'm forwarding that E36 M3 to the proper authorities.

Sorry but this man has taxation and representation... Not equal. He was just too dumb to work the system for him...

As for Jefferson etc... "rich mans war, poor mans fight" comes to mind.

Gotta love the "new" defend the constitution folks who were 4 years ago suspending habeas corpus...

btw.. http://www.politico.com/wuerker/ <-- that guys cartoons are pretty good. He rips apart repubs and obama... Its not bad.

poopshovel SuperDork
2/20/10 8:22 a.m.
JG Pasterjak wrote:
Racer1ab wrote: I have to vote this post up for the first Devildriver reference I have ever seen on GRM forums.
I aim to please. Of course, now we've entered the next phase of Joe Stackmania, which is the phase where each side perverts his manifesto to suit their own completely unrelated political agenda and demonize their opponents by trying to link him to this guy. "Liberals" paint him as a Tea-Partier, while Rush Limbaugh says that the manifesto reads "almost word for word" like something written by Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi or Rahm Emmanuel or Barack Obama. Seriously? This is what passes for analysis of an unfortunate event now? Instead of trying to understand the motivations behind the event, our commentators CO-OPT HIS TERRORIST ACT TO FURTHER THEIR OWN AGANDAS!?!?! That's messed up. jg

Don't worry dude. Three days later all anyone can talk about is tiger berkeleying woods. Maybe the terrorists should win.

Jensenman SuperDork
2/20/10 8:59 a.m.

Ain't THAT the truth. Nobody is willing to pay E36 M3 attention to the real problems of this country but the Kardashians, Tiger Woods and the final episodes of 'Lost' are dissected under a microscope.

Duke SuperDork
2/20/10 9:41 a.m.
billy3esq wrote: The principal difference between a patriot and a terrorist is which side wins the revolution.


The principal difference between a patriot and a terrorist is choice of target. A true revolutionary patriot will attack military or government targets of strategic value to posess or destroy. A terrorist will attack civillian targets with intent to murder as many innocents as possible for shock value.

That's one thing that is not subject to cynicism.

Wally GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
2/20/10 9:48 a.m.

For all his bitching and moaning about how the country screwed him he still owned an airplane. I don't even have a plane. If I wanted to make a statement the best I could do is try to drive a Cavalier into the lobby. I'd probably just get laughed at as some idiot in a little car that got stuck in the revolving door. They'd never even look at my manifesto. Maybe if I wrote it on paper airplanes and set them on fire...

poopshovel SuperDork
2/20/10 9:55 a.m.

Why are you berkeleyers still talking about this? Didn't you hear that THE Tiger Woods had a press conference?

billy3esq SuperDork
2/20/10 9:55 a.m.
Marty! wrote:
billy3esq wrote: The principal difference between a patriot and a terrorist is which side wins the revolution.
Billy, I have to ask, is that a quote from somebody or from your brilliant mind?

The expression is my own, but the idea is an old one. As Jensenman noted, it's really just another way of saying winners write the history books.

Duke wrote: I DISAGREE COMPLETELY. The principal difference between a patriot and a terrorist is choice of target. A true revolutionary patriot will attack military or government targets of strategic value to posess or destroy. A terrorist will attack civillian targets with intent to murder as many innocents as possible for shock value. That's one thing that is not subject to cynicism.

[Begin Sarcasm] You make a valid point. After all, history clearly recognizes that it was "patriots" who attempted to destroy the headquarters of the most powerful military force in the history of the world on September 11, 2001. [End Sarcasm] Don't try to distinguish that based on the use of a civilian airliner, either. An objective observer (admittedly hard to find) would have to agree that the ratio of civilian casualties (limited to a few hundred) to the strategic value of the target (extremely high) was far better than lots of things the U.S. did in Vietnam.

[Begin Sarcasm]Or maybe you mean how history regards the British and American Air Forces as "terrorists" for the fire-bombing of Dresden and Tokyo? [End Sarcasm] In both cases, the civilian casualties far exceeded the strategic value of the bombing. Witness, for example, the fact that in Dresden the industrial complexes outside the city were relatively unscathed compared to the city center, which was primarily of residential and cultural significance.

Nope, despite my cynicism, I'm pretty sure I got this one right.

Wally GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
2/20/10 10:00 a.m.

I heard something about that.

poopshovel wrote:

Why are you berkeleyers still talking about this? Didn't you hear that THE Tiger Woods had a press conference?

DILYSI Dave SuperDork
2/20/10 10:10 a.m.
ignorant wrote: He was just too dumb to work the system for him...

While this may be entirely true, should our system of government have to be "worked" to be just?

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker SuperDork
2/20/10 10:25 a.m.
Duke wrote:
billy3esq wrote: The principal difference between a patriot and a terrorist is which side wins the revolution.
I DISAGREE COMPLETELY. The principal difference between a patriot and a terrorist is choice of target. A true revolutionary patriot will attack military or government targets of strategic value to posess or destroy. A terrorist will attack civillian targets with intent to murder as many innocents as possible for shock value. That's one thing that is not subject to cynicism.

Well, in this case, his enemy (real or imagined) was the IRS.

I was discussing the original statement with a friend over beer last night and while I still agree that the guy that writes the history book gets to be the hero of the story... after deliberation via libation I'm expanding my definition of terrorist to require an organized effort to make a statement. This fellow acted alone, out of depression, frustration... whatever. He was an eloquent murderer, not a terrorist.

billy3esq SuperDork
2/20/10 10:36 a.m.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
ignorant wrote: He was just too dumb to work the system for him...
While this may be entirely true, should our system of government have to be "worked" to be just?

Basically, the guy was trying to get out of paying his payroll taxes using a loophole that Congress had gone way out of its way to close for people in his situation. I would argue that he was so dumb he tried unsuccessfully to work the system instead of accepting what was just (or at least fair).

Reminds me of an old joke, though. A lawyer wins his case and sends a telegram to his client: "JUSTICE HAS PREVAILED." The lawyer receives this reply: "APPEAL AT ONCE."

ignorant SuperDork
2/20/10 11:49 a.m.
billy3esq wrote:
DILYSI Dave wrote:
ignorant wrote: He was just too dumb to work the system for him...
While this may be entirely true, should our system of government have to be "worked" to be just?
Basically, the guy was trying to get out of paying his payroll taxes using a loophole that Congress had gone way out of its way to close for people in his situation. I would argue that he was so dumb he tried unsuccessfully to work the system instead of accepting what was just (or at least fair).

I agree with you Billy...

What I meant by "work the system" was for him to legally create a company/entity to use for his consulting work, thereby creating a mini-tax shelter for himself....

However.. No... This guy in the interest of "freedom" decides to do something illegal. Then tries to make a martyr out of himself and winds up killing an innocent man.

Idiot. I am now quite sorry that his wife and family will now have to bear the stigma of being related to this douchenozzle.

billy3esq SuperDork
2/20/10 8:47 p.m.
ignorant wrote: However.. No... This guy in the interest of "freedom" decides to do something illegal. Then tries to make a martyr out of himself and winds up killing an innocent man and wasting a perfectly good airplane.

Just a small supplement for you.

GI_Drewsifer Reader
2/20/10 10:15 p.m.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
ignorant wrote: He was just too dumb to work the system for him...
While this may be entirely true, should our system of government have to be "worked" to be just?

This is seriously what I've been thinking as everyone calls him an idiot. Let's just look at that area of this discussion. The US Tax code is pretty insane piece of work that I think most people don't understand. Sure I know this year I'm tax excempt for being deployed, and that we get that credit buying a house, but who knows all the in's and out's? Do any of you, who call this man an idiot? Our system shouldn't have to be worked. Criticism him all you want for his actions, but not because he didn't outsmart the IRS.

Wally GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
2/21/10 12:28 a.m.

I was told a long time ago to be careful of the fights I picked, and that the IRS was one I didn't want to pick.

2/21/10 1:37 a.m.

You all need some education, so listen to someone who is 60 and been through 100 times more and lost ten times more than he but live today. You young people wake up or one day your freedom will be gone. What he did was wrong to kill innocent people, and that is not what this was about. This man died to send a message to the people of America that want their country back.

I hope this will make the rest of America hear the big pop. The big pop is when your head comes out. Our government because of the Federal Reserve and the IRS, is taking over this country, and will never have to fire a shot. Now they are using our bail out money to foreclose on the homes of the people they put out of work. WAKE UP AMERICA.

Look at the whole ploy. All planned buy the banksters. Crash wall street with securitized mortgages, crash the system, steal all of the retirement funds, crash the job market putting millions out of work, and then get a taxpayer bailout so they can and are taking all of the property back with illegal foreclosures. They are now running into a problem in the mortgage industry. Courts are finally ruling for us because their own scam is biting them in the but with the MERS Mortgages. They separated the mortgage and the note, in it takes both to foreclose. The mortgages were filed in their respective counties, but the note (and the money you created with it went on to Wall Street and was unlawfully converted into a security so the Bankers, Wall Street and crooked politicians could line their pockets. If the honest judges will just stay honest, and so far many are, many people will get to keep their homes without a mortgage. Our problem is not the government. It is the Federal Reserve (That private corporation). The IRS is not government, they are a collection agency for the Federal Reserve. Why do you think the IRS has not gone after these non tax paying cronnies like Geitner and the others. They are part of the mastermind fraud. Get rid of the Federal Reserve and the IRS is gone with it, and then there will be no one to pull the strings of our crooked puppet politicians. We can win, but unless some judges and lawyers get honest it will not be able to be done without violence. Stack couldn’t win against the IRS because he lacked the knowledge. The only way you have to fight them is in the US Court of Claims in Washington. Very people know that. You have to Represent Yourself as Plaintiff against YOURSELF as Defendant. Yourself being the living human being and YOURSELF being the fraudulent corporation the government set up without your knowledge to use you as a debt credit instrument. Federal District Courts will throw any case against the IRS out (jurisdiction), and if you get too good, they get you for practicing law without a license. Obama, just another puppet politician in the banksters huge scheme. Race is not the issue. The Federal Reserve, crooked lawyers and politicians, and an America that thinks big brother is always right, when they are usually always wrong is the real issue. Hell, the IRS couldn't even run Mustang Ranch the biggest house of ill repute in the USA. It folded six months after the IRS seized it. Now if you can't make a profit at that then what can you.This guy gave this country a wake up call, and was not an idiot, but very well educated, and like most of us is tired of the government robbing from the middle class and giving to the rich. Study some of their law. It is a game of smoke and mirrors meant specifically to deceive you. You must understand, lawyers know the law, but to beat them at their own game and win, you have to know your way around, or out of the law, then you can win any fight against them. They will leave you alone. Since this wake up call, I am in with America anyway I can help get rid of the crooks in D.C. I hope the young understand that they are going to have to stand up and fight, or eventually they will rape an pilfer every thing from you even your families. Vote independent in November and get them all out. That will send the first real big message.

ignorant SuperDork
2/21/10 4:43 a.m.
GI_Drewsifer wrote:
DILYSI Dave wrote:
ignorant wrote: He was just too dumb to work the system for him...
While this may be entirely true, should our system of government have to be "worked" to be just?
This is seriously what I've been thinking as everyone calls him an idiot. Let's just look at that area of this discussion. The US Tax code is pretty insane piece of work that I think most people don't understand. Sure I know this year I'm tax excempt for being deployed, and that we get that credit buying a house, but who knows all the in's and out's? Do any of you, who call this man an idiot? Our system shouldn't have to be worked. Criticism him all you want for his actions, but not because he didn't outsmart the IRS.

I had a boss whose favorite phrase was, "Just get on with it." He used it quite effectively.

Here is what he meant. If you find something wrong(but nothing seriously wrong or dangerous), you need to make a point to fix it or explain to people why it is wrong. Eventually, you still need to get your work done so.. Just get on with it. Crying and moaning about this not being perfect or that not being perfect does nothing to advance yourself or others.

I will criticize him for his lack of knowledge of tax law and the fact that he didn't want to do things legally. If you own a business, he was an independant consultant, he needed to know how the tax code applied to him. If the guy was smart his house would be a business expense, his car, lunches out, car maint... etc. He probably didn't do that cause he's a moron. Infact, I'll say he probably was a crappy consultant. He probably didn't know how to bill effectively or utilize his money effectively.

My dad has owned his own business for years. Is the tax code screwed up? Yes. Does my dad have a corp to protect himself? Yes. Does my father write off everything he can? Yes. Even the car and home office.

As to "our system shouldn't have to be worked." I will disagree and I will say that those who do not fully understand every business deal you enter... (Yes, I treat taxes and family finances as a busniness) will get screwed, much like Cessna-tard.

ignorant SuperDork
2/21/10 4:46 a.m.
bigd11 wrote: You all need some education, so listen to someone who is 60 and been through 100 times more and lost ten times more than he but live today. You young people wake up or one day your freedom will be gone. What he did was wrong to kill innocent people, and that is not what this was about. This man died to send a message to the people of America that want their country back. I hope this will make the rest of America hear the big pop. The big pop is when your head comes out. Our government because of the Federal Reserve and the IRS, is taking over this country, and will never have to fire a shot. Now they are using our bail out money to foreclose on the homes of the people they put out of work. WAKE UP AMERICA. Look at the whole ploy. All planned buy the banksters. Crash wall street with securitized mortgages, crash the system, steal all of the retirement funds, crash the job market putting millions out of work, and then get a taxpayer bailout so they can and are taking all of the property back with illegal foreclosures. They are now running into a problem in the mortgage industry. Courts are finally ruling for us because their own scam is biting them in the but with the MERS Mortgages. They separated the mortgage and the note, in it takes both to foreclose. The mortgages were filed in their respective counties, but the note (and the money you created with it went on to Wall Street and was unlawfully converted into a security so the Bankers, Wall Street and crooked politicians could line their pockets. If the honest judges will just stay honest, and so far many are, many people will get to keep their homes without a mortgage. Our problem is not the government. It is the Federal Reserve (That private corporation). The IRS is not government, they are a collection agency for the Federal Reserve. Why do you think the IRS has not gone after these non tax paying cronnies like Geitner and the others. They are part of the mastermind fraud. Get rid of the Federal Reserve and the IRS is gone with it, and then there will be no one to pull the strings of our crooked puppet politicians. We can win, but unless some judges and lawyers get honest it will not be able to be done without violence. Stack couldn’t win against the IRS because he lacked the knowledge. The only way you have to fight them is in the US Court of Claims in Washington. Very people know that. You have to Represent Yourself as Plaintiff against YOURSELF as Defendant. Yourself being the living human being and YOURSELF being the fraudulent corporation the government set up without your knowledge to use you as a debt credit instrument. Federal District Courts will throw any case against the IRS out (jurisdiction), and if you get too good, they get you for practicing law without a license. Obama, just another puppet politician in the banksters huge scheme. Race is not the issue. The Federal Reserve, crooked lawyers and politicians, and an America that thinks big brother is always right, when they are usually always wrong is the real issue. Hell, the IRS couldn't even run Mustang Ranch the biggest house of ill repute in the USA. It folded six months after the IRS seized it. Now if you can't make a profit at that then what can you.This guy gave this country a wake up call, and was not an idiot, but very well educated, and like most of us is tired of the government robbing from the middle class and giving to the rich. Study some of their law. It is a game of smoke and mirrors meant specifically to deceive you. You must understand, lawyers know the law, but to beat them at their own game and win, you have to know your way around, or out of the law, then you can win any fight against them. They will leave you alone. Since this wake up call, I am in with America anyway I can help get rid of the crooks in D.C. I hope the young understand that they are going to have to stand up and fight, or eventually they will rape an pilfer every thing from you even your families. Vote independent in November and get them all out. That will send the first real big message.

Awesome 1st post, Kooky McKookelton.

Btw.. Anyone who says "wake up" in the way that you do, reminds me of Daniel Carver from the stern show....

billy3esq SuperDork
2/21/10 8:25 a.m.
ignorant wrote: ... those who do not fully understand every business deal you enter... will get screwed, much like Cessna-tard.

It was a Piper Cherokee, not a Cessna.

ignorant SuperDork
2/21/10 8:31 a.m.
billy3esq wrote:
ignorant wrote: ... those who do not fully understand every business deal you enter... will get screwed, much like Cessna-tard.
It was a Piper Cherokee, not a Cessna.

I don't care unless it had a P&W engine.

4cylndrfury SuperDork
2/21/10 9:19 a.m.
bigd11 wrote: You all need some education, so listen to someone who is 60 and been through 100 times more and lost ten times more than he but live today. You young people wake up or one day blah blah blah ....yadda schmakety ... and then the aliens will come down...blah......till the handle breaks off and you have to get a doctor to pull it out again!

ignorant SuperDork
2/21/10 9:35 a.m.
4cylndrfury wrote:
bigd11 wrote: You all need some education, so listen to someone who is 60 and been through 100 times more and lost ten times more than he but live today. You young people wake up or one day blah blah blah ....yadda schmakety ... and then the aliens will come down...blah......till the handle breaks off and you have to get a doctor to pull it out again!

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