Jerry said:
See, Darth Emo to me played exactly the part he should. Got a taste of the Dark Side, Grandpa can't help him & he idolizes him, parents exiled, can't quite get his saber complete (why it looks jagged and has side vents)... I think he's going to be a big part of #8.
AND he played it with emotion, vs the bitchy Anakin , talk about wooden acting.
Thank you. I get that people were annoyed by Kylo, but he was far from the most annoying in the series and his acting was better than most, historically speaking: "Two fighters against a star destroyer?!!?" Lets be honest, they could've done much worse.
Just finished rewatching the prequels. Honest trailers said it best. "Starring: Hey-don't Act-again...
So I saw it last night. I really enjoyed it. There were a few times were I thought they were trying to work in the cute or funny factor a bit to0 much but overall it was a good Star Wars. I also will say I think people are right about Kylo in the last few posts.
Personally for me for the new Star Wars in terms of my favorites, it goes Rogue One, Episode VIII and then Episode VII.
I liked it a lot, too. There were things that could have been improved, but I liked the fact that it took some chances, story-wise. Excellent entry in the series. Some really stunning cinematography, too.
12/15/17 9:42 a.m.
I'm amazed by how many friends saw it last night, not even "hard core" Star Wars fans. Got my 1230pm Saturday ticket at the ready.
Can't wait till 7:10pm tonight!
Reading or posting spoilers is the path to the dark side.
12/15/17 3:14 p.m.
What I like is that in the weeks leading up to the release of The Force Awakens, we already had a pretty good idea that someone important would die, that Kylo Ren worshipped Vader, that he took orders from a Supreme Leader Snoke, that Rey, or Finn, or one of the new characters was Force sensitive. We also knew there was a big weapon they were hoping to destroy. I knew all this stuff, and I still watched it, but was left feeling a bit underwhelmed.
The Last Jedi however has kept people on it's toes, and many people who thought they knew what to expect going in have left surprised.
That's good news for a fan.
12/17/17 8:10 a.m.
Saw it yesterday w/ SWMBO & kiddo, I felt 10 years old again. I've always said Empire was my favorite, I might have a new one. Or damn close second. I can't think of anything I didn't like, the Porg's were not annoying, just slight comic relief (like every other movie has had to some degree), the CGI wasn't overdone for anything not needing it. I saw someone complaining about bombs dropped in space, like if you're ok with EVERYTHING else in a made-up space fiction movie, but THAT'S your hard limit?
Took the son unit to see it last night ($22 for two regular tickets?? Ouch!)
We enjoyed it, was just a bit long. Gotta say, the ending left me wondering just how small a "spark" they can get down to to light the revolution?
Watched it yesterday. Left happy, sad and eagerly awaiting the next dose of crack.
12/17/17 1:35 p.m.
I heard Spock kills dumbledore in this one.
Mrs dx and I saw it last night. I though it was better than The Force Awakens and didn't drag in as many parts as that. The action scenes were pretty good as well.
12/18/17 5:35 a.m.
I'll be the voice of dissent. I wasn't overly impressed. The story was just a slightly changed-up Episode V with a massive deus ex machina. There was so many things that Episode VII and Rian Johnson made out to be important that just ended up not mattering. We heard how Snoke's background wouldn't be explored; nope, he was barely in it. Heard about how Phasma would have a much larger, more crucial role; nope, she was in it for all of 3 minutes. All the hints about how big Rey's parentage was; nope, it's just mentioned in a quick blurb and is dumber than a lot of the theories on Reddit. Distinct lack of lightsaber fights, too. As a whole, the movie doesn't really stand up well as it's own, it just feels like an opening sequence for Episode IX, setting everything up.
Was there stuff I liked? Sure, some cool space fight sequences. Some decent comedy. Hermit Luke is hilarious. I actually liked the porgs. Benicio Del Toro was great. It was an okay movies, but certainly not the best Star Wars film in existence.
In reply to NickD :
I'm with you. It was the Empire Strikes Back with different locations. Some of the scenes were almost identical.
IMHO, they could have had the same outcome (so that they can have more movies) in a different way. VII was a repeat of IV, and VII was a repeat of VI- with some new twists that actually don't make sense when looking at the whole movie set (like the new found powers that the Force has for everyone- where did that come from?). The scenes that disappointed me the most- the fight in front of Snoke- the only difference was that Kylo and Rey didn't fight before he started the torture compared to Vader v Luke at the end of VII; the part where Luke stalled in the big fight with Kylo- a repeat of Ben vs. Vader in IV; and the killer flying of the Falcon was a copy of the flight through the death star in VII.
It wasn't bad, but it wasn't nearly as good as I had hoped.
Granted, the overall flow of the story is the classic good vs. evil. But when I saw and see Star Wars, there are elements of that story that were very new. When they repeated most of those lines in Force Awakens, it wasn't in a fun manner, but just copying. And then they did more of it here.
I'm glad we got in with membership at a theater. I'll see the next one- for sure, they have a new path to go down. It will be interesting to see if they repeat old stories or go a new way. We know with 100% certainly that Leia dies. I thought they may try to edit it into this ending, but seeing how it went, there was no way that could have happenend.
12/18/17 7:00 a.m.
NickD said:
As a whole, the movie doesn't really stand up well as it's own, it just feels like an opening sequence for Episode IX, setting everything up.
You mean like the middle movie of a trilogy?
12/18/17 7:02 a.m.
Appleseed said:
10:30 Friday night. I've been to every Star Wars opening day. This will be no different.
I'm trying to figure out how that works, since the first one opened 2 years before you were born! 
12/18/17 7:26 a.m.
Jerry said:
NickD said:
As a whole, the movie doesn't really stand up well as it's own, it just feels like an opening sequence for Episode IX, setting everything up.
You mean like the middle movie of a trilogy?
Except it's a middle movie I've already seen before, but worse.
Went and saw it last night, it was just OK. Sure it's the middle of a trilogy, but it doesn't measure up to Ep5.
With all the talk of ZOMG TEH SPOILERS, you might wonder just how many "big moments" are in this movie. Well to me the biggest surprise was the lack of surprises. The "headline" spoilable moment is one anyone could've seen coming a mile away, the second biggest is ambiguous to the point of meaninglessness ("spoilers" inside).
To me the biggest surprise was this (maybe more of a spoiler inside)
Those of you dreading another quasi-remake are going to be bitterly disappointed. There are plenty of scenes right out of Ep5 and some from Ep6. I'm OK with quasi-remakes but I'm still a bit disappointed. I didn't like it as much as Ep7 or Rogue One.
GameboyRMH said:
To me the biggest surprise was this (maybe more of a spoiler inside)
Someone else commented on how significant that was. But I kind of overlooked that being distracted by the scene being repeated from VI. Sad, but true. I was holding out hope that it was not just a remake- which I suspected after seeing the preview.
12/18/17 8:30 a.m.
Went and saw it yesterday. It wasn't bad, but I was a bit underwhelmed. At times, I really thought I was watching Spaceballs 2. And the fact that they had to have a guy lick the ground to prove that we weren't on Hoth again was a little contrived. I'm hoping when they pull JJ back in, things get better.
12/18/17 8:51 a.m.
What the berkeley was the point behind the scene where Luke milks the giant creature and then drinks from it? Did we really need that? There were points where I went "Who gave George Lucas his keys back?" Also, if Luke's whole schtick is that he wanted to be left alone and in peace, then why did he leave a detailed map telling his very location that was a major plot point of the previous film? And what was the deal with the Space Glory Hole? I expected some major revelation there, but instead just....nothing.
NickD said:
And what was the deal with the Space Glory Hole? I expected some major revelation there, but instead just....nothing.
It was the Cave of Evil 2.0
12/18/17 9:17 a.m.
GameboyRMH said:
NickD said:
And what was the deal with the Space Glory Hole? I expected some major revelation there, but instead just....nothing.
It was the Cave of Evil 2.0
Oh, I got that. But whereas the original showed that Luke would become like Vader if he succumbed to the Dark Side, 2.0 just showed an infinite number of Rey reflections, who then proceeded to snap their fingers. So if Rey fell to the Dark Side she would be cursed to star in West Side Story? I don't know. It didn't really make any sense, or have any point, especially after Luke freaked out about her going towards it.